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Treating toenail fungus in homeopathic way less risky than medication

NORTH COUNTY – When it comes to grooming, few conditions draw the ire of men and women as much as toenail fungus.

Eradicating toenail fungus can be very difficult, and even the most effective toenail fungus treatments can leave men and women susceptible to re-infection.

Though pharmaceutical treatments have proven effective at targeting toenail fungus in two-thirds of patients, such medications have been associated with some potentially harmful side effects, including liver damage. In addition, many antifungal drugs are very toxic.

The body's reaction to medications aimed at treating toenail fungus can be tricky, limiting the drug's effectiveness while simultaneously increasing the risk that men and women may succumb to other ailments. The liver tends to recognize certain toenail fungus medications as toxins, which can lead to liver damage that may produce far more drastic consequences than the toenail fungus.

Because of the body's tendency to recognize certain treatments as toxic, many men and women have begun to seek alternative ways to address their toenail fungus. For example, anti-fungal nail polishes are considered safe alternatives to traditional medications. However, these topical drugs often must be applied regularly for up to one year before they produce any results. In addition, such treatments can be harmful to men and women with sensitive skin, potentially resulting in rashes and redness.

Laser therapy is another alternative to toenail fungus medications. Studies have shown that laser therapy has successfully eradicated toenail fungus in roughly 33 percent of patients who underwent the therapy. However, laser therapy can cost as much as $1,000 per treatment, and some patients have suffered burns on the nails and skin during the procedure.

The risks associated with medications and other toenail fungus treatments have led many men and women to seek natural treatments that aren't accompanied by potentially unhealthy and painful side effects.

For example, phenolic antiseptic powder packs a potentially powerful punch against toenail fungus without the negative side effects of other treatments. Discovered by pioneering 19th century surgeon Sir Joseph Lister, the antiseptic properties of phenol were found to kill the harmful bacteria and fungus that caused infection.

Employing those same properties today, Columbia Antiseptic Powder has been used for more than 135 years to effectively treat toenail fungus without producing any of the negative side effects of other treatments. Simply apply the powder to the infected area after a foot bath or mix a few drops of water with a teaspoon of powder to form a paste that can be applied to the toenail as often as necessary. More information about Columbia Antiseptic Powder is available at In addition to addressing toenail fungus, there are other ways men and women can improve the appearance of their feet.

  • Cast out calluses and corns. Calluses and corns appear when dead skin builds up along the heels and toes and bony areas of the feet. While unsightly, calluses and corns can be easily eliminated with a pumice stone or foot file used immediately after showering. Consult a podiatrist if the calluses or corns are especially pesky and difficult to remove.
  • Address ingrown toenails. Athletes and dancers tend to suffer the most from ingrown toenails, a potentially painful condition wherein the toenail grows into the surrounding skin. Ingrown toenails are often a byproduct of the toes rubbing tightly against the shoe during physical activity. Soaking feet in an Epsom salt bath twice a day for 15 minutes can reduce pain and inflammation, while cutting toenails straight across can reduce the likelihood that the nails will grown into the skin.
  • Wear footwear that fits. Wearing footwear that's too small or restrictive can increase your risk of ingrown toenails and hammer toe, a deformity that occurs when the toes become claw-like. Ill-fitting footwear can cause hammer toes or aggravate pre-existing hammer toes, while also increasing the risk of friction between the toes and the interior of the shoes, potentially causing ingrown toenails. When shopping for shoes, always find footwear that fits, even if it means sacrificing style for comfort.


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