Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Little Mexico in Fallbrook

I wonder how many citizens of Fallbrook have thought about the number of Hispanic markets in our town. They far outnumber those who cater to a greater ethnic majority.

Imagine my dismay, when reading the Village News dated January 31, to learn that our new Fresh & Easy market, which we have looked so forward to for months, will, according to their new manager, Pablo Baltazar, “specifically strive to meet the needs of the Latino population here.”

Although it has been stocked at the onset with the standard selection of merchandise typical in all 33 stores the company has opened to date in Southern California, Las Vegas and Phoenix, according to Mr. Baltazar, “the balance is destined to change.”

We are not to expect to find much in the way of European items in stock. Mr. Baltazar goes on to say, “The likelihood of the store stocking international foods, other than those that cater to the Latino market, in Fallbrook is minimal.”

It seems to me that our share of the markets is already reduced to Major Market and Albertson’s. What is happening to our beautiful town that I have lived in for nearly 40 years?

I thought the Latinos were going to merge with the Caucasian Americans. It seems now, especially in Fallbrook, that they are planning to be the majority!

Bridget Canchola


Reader Comments(1)

preston writes:

Bridget, how many supermarkets do you need in Fallbrook to do your shopping? -- I find Albertson's and Major Market more than adequate however I do wish a national chain market would go in on the south side of town along the 76 Highway.

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