Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Re: We need to return to tried and true GOP principles [Letter, Village News, 10/7/10]

I have a request for Robert Green. Please spell out what the Republican Party principles are that you so cherish, not a bunch of platitudes but fundamental policy criteria.

Mr. Green has repeatedly lamented the demise of his beloved Republican party of some time past. And then he denigrates Sarah Palin and the Tea Party movement. It seems to me that they embody the principles of less government and individual empowerment (which I consider core Republican values) whereas the Republican establishment is drifting towards the welfare state philosophy of the Democrats.

Make no mistake; the policies of the current administration will be devastating over time. The total lack of restraint on spending with the huge increase in indebtedness will inevitably lead to inflation. And inflation is most devastating on the poorest people. So, all those who are so concerned about helping the poor need to focus on fiscal responsibility rather than welfare handouts.

The federal government can print money and thereby monetize the debt (inflation). I wonder how China, a big holder of US bonds, would respond to that. States and cities do not have that option. California is rapidly heading for the abyss. It is very important that Brown be defeated in November to prevent entrenching the spendthrift Democrats. Whatever shortcomings Meg Whitman has pale in comparison to the financially irresponsible Democrats.

Glen Holzhausen


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