Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Articles from the January 13, 2006 edition

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  • Teen Editorial

    Updated Jan 13, 2006

    I hardly ever saw her after I left Fallbrook High. We had PE together, but I didn’t know her then. Later, though, at a party, I got high with her for my first and only time. As I rolled around on the ground laughing hysterically about the milk I was having extreme difficulty pouring into my bowl of cereal, she stood over me and said, “Looks like somebody’s got the laughies!” That was the last time I saw her alive. I took two of my friends to her tree. We stood and looked at the flowers, the CDs, the letters and the sunglasses...

  • Praise for Fallbrook Historical Society

    Updated Jan 13, 2006

    The many recent visitors to the Fallbrook Historical Society museums have recognized the hours of service by the all-volunteer membership who have decorated the building interiors, re-worked exhibits and prepared new displays. Other members are entering inventory information into the society computer, a meticulous process that will allow rapid accessibility for locating the society’s holdings. Another time-consuming but most enjoyable experience is assisting visitors, or distant correspondents, with data about Fallbrook p...

  • BUSD board should be ashamed

    Updated Jan 13, 2006

    To the BUSD board — Bob Turner, Lou Riddle, Tim Coen and Dick Olsen — and to Superintendent Jef Schleiger and Asst. Superintendent Wayne Jones: You ought to be ashamed of yourselves! Your irresponsible and politically motivated decision to close BCAL will cost you dearly in your coveted positions. The word is out in the community and beyond: “How could they do such a thing as to shut down a school in the middle of the year?” There is no remedy for this huge quagmire you have created. Parents have been out scrambling at Chri...

  • Our post office is extra special

    Updated Jan 13, 2006

    I would like to take a minute to thank our local post office. On Christmas morning as our two children raced up and down our driveway on their new scooters I noticed them at our front gate speaking to a gentleman who was handing them candy canes. A little concerned about who was giving candy to my children, I approached our gate only to be surprised to see a Fallbrook postman delivering a late Christmas package. At 9:00 a.m. on Christmas morning the post office was more worried about making sure we got our packages than... Full story

  • 'Chronicles of Narnia' unsettling

    Updated Jan 13, 2006

    I went to see the film “Chronicles of Narnia” on New Year’s Day, thinking about the previews of the rather stunning-looking lion, snowy scenes and cute children. I know this is often considered a Christian allegory, and the images of sacrifice and resurrection did not escape my notice. Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene are there, evil is defeated and the lion is expected to return. But did anyone notice the Star of David in the cathedral toward the end of the film? And, has anybody else thought about the character Thomas with re...

  • RE: 'Dudek should pay RMWD fine'

    Updated Jan 13, 2006

    We agree with you, Mrs. Rhyne. Who is truly running RMWD, the RMWD board or Dudek? And does the RMWD board truly reflect the wishes of the ratepayers? We think they reflect the wishes of big business. Big corporations, hiding behind small local municipal boards, are ruining not only our rural town but others all over this country. They are bleeding dry those who have been here for generations by levying huge rate increases to cover RMWD’s ongoing mistakes. Let the State of California take over the defunct RMWD. They could n...

  • California's water supply is not endless

    Updated Jan 13, 2006

    California’s water plan, currently being updated, implies that our supply of water to support development is endless. This plan does not address the crucial questions of what is the limiting supply of water and what is the implication of this water supply barrier on the population that can be supported? Current state policy requires local governments to provide their “fair share” of housing to accommodate the state’s population projections and the water purveyors blindly step up and say they can supply the necessary water....

  • I'm sorry Kate lost her school

    Updated Jan 13, 2006

    Kate Gressitt-Diaz is an exceptional student who deserves an exceptional education. Fortunately for us, she has the insight to provide that for herself, a credit NOT to the institutions she has attended but rather a credit to herself and her drive, clear-headedness and understanding of what education can be. I’m sorry, Kate, you have lost your school at BCAL, but short-sighted officials don’t understand, don’t care and/or are afraid. Your responsibility now is to continue to live as an example of what an educated perso...

  • Thank you to Fallbrook Alarm Company

    Updated Jan 13, 2006

    I am writing regarding a column entitled “A special service in Fallbrook” and the exemplary service provided by Fallbrook Transportation and Cab company. I, too, am a happy consumer with services provided in our little community of Fallbrook. When we arrived in Fallbrook over five years ago, we hired Fallbrook Alarm to install our security system. We were pleased with them then, and we continue to be pleased with them now. I called Fallbrook Alarm today with what I thought might be a system problem. Within five minutes Mr....

  • Why high school should start later

    Updated Jan 13, 2006

    Every kid complains about school, how’s it’s too hard, too long, or too boring, but what really is the reason they don’t like school? Is it because of their teachers or their friends? Maybe, whatever the case, it is all a big chain reaction set off by and determined on how they start their day. A good start to each day begins with and depends on how you start your morning. High school should be started later, because that would give teens more time to sleep, get ready and prepare themselves for a good day, such as eat a bet...


    Updated Jan 13, 2006

    Date Vicinity Incident 12/16 1000 blk Old Stage Rd Harrassing telephone call 12/16 5200 blk Triple Crown Ct Residential burglary 12/23 31400 blk Club Vista Ln, Bonsall Identity theft 12/29 2300 blk Helen Rd Residential burglary 12/30 8000 blk W Lilac Rd, Bonsall Residential burglary 12/30 400 blk W Fallbrook St Vandalism 12/30 32100 blk S Old Hwy 395, Bonsall Vehicle burglary 12/31 1100 blk S Mission Vandalism 12/31 900 blk Woodcreek Rd Residential burglary 12/31 800 blk Old Stage Rd Vandalism 1/1 100 blk W Beech St... Full story

  • Rose-colored memories

    Updated Jan 13, 2006

    Kristi Butterworth now has a few rose-colored memories. The Fallbrook Union High School senior was selected by Rotary International to ride on the organization’s 2006 Tournament of Roses Parade float. She represented Rotary District 5340 and was one of eight California high school seniors chosen for the honor. Fallbrook High Interact Club Advisor Dick Goodlake nominated Kristi and she was chosen because of her outstanding scholastic and community activity record. In the fall she was selected as Fallbrook High’s Outstanding Se...

  • Chesney strives to complete Hornaday award

    Updated Jan 13, 2006

    FALLBROOK — Brandon Chesney of Boy Scout Troop 700 is completing the prestigious Hornaday Award. This conservation award program was initiated in 1914 by Dr. William T. Hornaday, then director of the New York Zoological Park, in an effort to inspire Boy Scouts to work constructively for conservation. Dr. Hornaday is generally credited with saving the American Bison and other wildlife species from extinction. The highest possible award in this program is the silver medal, which Brandon is trying to reach. Only one boy in 52 y...

  • High school seniors invited to apply for scholarship

    Updated Jan 13, 2006

    The Fallbrook Public Utility District (FPUD) is partnering with the North County Fire Protection District and Mission Resource Conservation District in an annual program to award 13 scholarships to local graduating seniors. The $1,000 scholarships, which will be awarded by the San Diego chapter of the California Special Districts Association (CSDA), will be granted to high school students interested in local government. FPUD doesn’t fund the scholarships but partners with the fire district and Mission Resources to review appl...

  • Pala Mesa Men's Club new board

    Updated Jan 13, 2006

    The Pala Mesa Men’s Golf Club plays on Wednesday mornings. In addition to the Wednesday tournaments, they have “Guys and Dolls” tournaments and plans are in progress for some home and away events with some of the nearby golf clubs. Those interested in joining are asked to call the Pro Shop at (760) 731-6803 or join them on a Wednesday morning!...

  • Village Rotarians wrap gifts for needy

    Updated Jan 13, 2006

    Don Weeks, Manny Gratz and Dan Flores, members of Village Rotary, wrapped gifts for the needy before Christmas....

  • Cadets gain experience in Civil Air Patrol

    Updated Jan 13, 2006

    On December 26, 2005, Civil Air Patrol (CAP) pilots Maj. Jim Redmon from Fallbrook Squadron 87 and 1Lt. Tony Diaz from Oceanside Squadron 47 conducted orientation flights for cadets of Oceanside Squadron 47 at Oceanside Airport. On that cloudy day each pilot flew three flights around the Fallbrook and Temecula areas from approximately 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the squadron Cessna 182 airplane. The cadets who participated were A1C. Elizabeth Parker, SSgt. Daniel Parker, A1C. Conrad Stielau, Amn. Matthew Morgan, AB. Robert Duguid...

  • Tree falls onto Mission Road

    Updated Jan 13, 2006

    A tree fell onto Mission Road in the vicinity of Willow Glen Road in the morning hours of January 2, causing traffic delays.... Full story

  • New Year's resolutions

    Updated Jan 13, 2006

    Does your past resound with New Year’s resolutions to lose weight, stop smoking, stop eating sugar, exercise more, lose weight, etc. that never got done? We unfortunately all know the failure rate of New Year’s resolutions. Why does this happen and how do we make resolutions that work? The five stages that lead to successful resolutions 1. Pre-contemplation: The desire to change is vague. This is a good time to seek information and ask some important questions such as, “What risks am I running by going along just as I have...

  • Vehicle pollution linked to respiratory illness in children

    Updated Jan 13, 2006

    SACRAMENTO — Recent findings from a study by USC Keck School of Medicine indicate that the closer children live to freeways, the higher their risk of asthma. The findings are consistent with the Help California Breathe Easier public awareness campaign, which emphasizes the link between vehicle-produced air pollution and negative health effects, especially respiratory illness in children. Help California Breathe Easier was launched earlier this year by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to advance public understanding about the n...

  • Local doctors global leaders in treatment for rare disease; Fallbrook Village Rotary Club spearheads fundraising efforts

    Updated Jan 13, 2006

    Barely known fact: Mitochondria make up 15 percent of our body weight and mitochondrial disease affects 1 in 2,000 infants and children each year, with a mortality rate as high as 50 percent. This little-known disease can lay dormant until adulthood, when the afflicted often become disabled and die. Furthermore, mitochondria have been linked to Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, cancer, stroke, diabetes, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis. Little-known fact: Over the past decade, a t...

  • Laughter Therapy at Fallbrook Hospital January 18

    Updated Jan 13, 2006

    The new year is here! Start the year off right by joining us for Laughter Therapy. We don’t tell jokes; we learn how to laugh for the pure joy of laughing. We meet on the third Wednesday of each month from 4 to 5 p.m. at Fallbrook Hospital in conference rooms A & B. This month we will be meeting on January 18. This event is sponsored by Fallbrook Hospital’s Cardiac Rehabilitation Department and is free of charge. All ages are welcome. Come prepared to have fun! Further information may be obtained by calling Cardiac Reh...

  • Power wheelchairs available

    Updated Jan 13, 2006

    The Senior Wheels USA program makes available power wheelchairs to senior citizens and the permanently disabled at no cost to the recipient, if they qualify. The power wheelchairs are provided to those who can no longer walk or self-propel a manual wheelchair, and who meet the additional guidelines of the program. No deposit is required. If the patient’s need is for use in the home, please call for more information to see if they qualify. Call toll free at 1-800-246-6010....

  • Fallbrook home with features galore!

    Updated Jan 13, 2006

    Fred Fieri is a designer/builder of fine homes — and it is no surprise that when he built the house that he and Madalyn would call home he combined a number of the features that various clients enjoy. Interestingly, they moved just around the corner from their previous house two years ago, but the places are miles apart in beauty, comfort and convenience. The level two-acre site provided space to develop an ideal environment for the house the Fieris now enjoy. Its rooflines and combinations of stone and stucco exterior w...