Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Articles from the June 23, 2006 edition

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  • Johnson-Rodriguez wedding

    Updated Jun 23, 2006

    Doug & Linda Johnson of Fallbrook and Rob & Joanne Rodriguez of Fallbrook are proud to announce the upcoming wedding of their children, Kristen and Graham. Both graduated from Fallbrook High School, Graham in 2000 and Kristen in 2002. The wedding will take place July 1, 2006, at the Darian Garden in Vista, CA....

  • Movie and popcorn at Democratic Club meeting

    Updated Jun 23, 2006

    The Fallbrook Democratic Club will soon screen the documentary “The Oil Factor,” a thought-provoking look on the subject of oil politics. There’s a popular misconception that the aim of “war for oil” is to supply inexpensive oil products for American consumers. This documentary, filmed onsite in Central Asia and the Middle East and incorporating expert commentary, takes an in-depth look at international oil strategy, the ramifications of its finances and the business connectedness of the principals involved. Admission...

  • SeniorNet summer classes

    Updated Jun 23, 2006

    Nonprofit Fallbrook SeniorNet has scheduled signups for its summer class schedule. Offerings include Beginning Computer, Introduction to Windows XP, Introduction to Word-processing, Internet and E-mail, Digital Photography, Photoshop Elements and Build Your Own Computer. Each class is limited to seven participants and each student receives personal attention from both instructors and coaches. Classes begin in mid-July and run through the end of August. Please contact Pete Peterson at (760) 723-6544 for class fees. Senior... Full story

  • Reinke supporters hold event

    Updated Jun 23, 2006

    Friends for Rhonda Reinke will hold an event to support her candidacy for Honorary Mayor on Friday, June 23. Hosted by Silvergate Retirement Residence, 420 Elbrook Dr., Fallbrook, the event will take place from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. It will feature a full bar, heavy hors d’oeuvres (including Silvergate’s famous shrimp appetizer) and more. There will be a suggested minimum donation at the door....

  • Bottom Shelf book and CD sale next week

    Updated Jun 23, 2006

    From Monday, June 26, through Monday, July 3, all children’s books and children’s CDs and videos will be half price at the Bottom Shelf bookstore. In addition, all “first editions” (fiction and nonfiction) are half off the regular price and specials continue on selected paperbacks. During this week the bookstore will be open its regular hours Monday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. and Tuesday-Saturday 10 a.m.-4 p.m., but please note the store will be closed Tuesday, July 4. The bookstore, located on the lower level of the library at 124 S....

  • Printmakers will exhibit in San Diego

    Updated Jun 23, 2006

    The San Diego & North County Printmakers will be exhibiting recent prints at the Lyceum Theatre, 79 Horton Plaza, San Diego, June 30 – September 4. The exhibition is titled “Printmaking & Beyond IV.” Reception for the artists will be July 15 from 6 to 8 p.m. Daily viewing hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The San Diego & North County Printmakers formerly exhibited under the name North County Printmakers. Recently, while finalizing their nonprofit designation the name of the organization was changed to inclu...

  • FLC presents 'Living With Coyotes'

    Updated Jun 23, 2006

    “Living with Coyotes” will be the topic of the second Fallbrook Land Conservancy’s (FLC) Educational Series. Residents in Fallbrook and the surrounding area, always interested in information dealing with the wildlife that surrounds them, will hear and be able to ask questions about how to deal with our ever-present wildlife friends. This panel-type presentation will take place on June 29 at 7:00 p.m. at the Fallbrook Community Center. Dana Zenko, who will lead the panel, is currently the Humane Education Coordinator at North... Full story

  • What a week for political junkies

    Updated Jun 23, 2006

    With President Bush’s surprise visit to Iraq, the death of Al-Zarqawi and the victory for Republicans in the 50th Congressional race in California, it has been a tremendous week for us political junkies. All the hard work the press has expended to drive Bush’s approval ratings down was washed away with one week of stunning victories. The Iraq government has been formed and the top terrorist eliminated. The Iraq security force seems to be growing in confidence and the people of Iraq are regaining control over their gov...

  • Extortion on cable

    Updated Jun 23, 2006

    Expanded basic cable has become a Pandora’s Box for families. Many parents welcome expanded basic cable into their homes because it opens up a whole universe of family-friendly programming. Channels like the Disney Channel, Nickelodeon, the Discovery Channel, Animal Planet and others. But to access the educational and family-friendly networks, families are also forced to pay for channels they don’t want and that actually make their job as a parent much more difficult. In addition to trying to protect their children from the...

  • A memorial service is not time to fight politics

    Updated Jun 23, 2006

    I was stunned when I read the letter by Stan Rauh (June 15) and his politicization of a Memorial Day event meant to honor those killed in action in the present Iraq War. His message seemed to be that only veterans who are pro-war are real veterans. Whatever one’s political view, pro-war or pro-peace, I find it offensive when someone deliberately politicizes a memorial meant to honor these dead. Some of the dead killed in action may have been scoundrels, some were heroes, but we do not come together at a Memorial to judge. W...

  • Come to the fair and see my steer and lambs

    Updated Jun 23, 2006

    My name is Casie Philley and I’m a member of the Fallbrook 4-H Club. Next year I will be in seventh grade at Zion Lutheran School. This is my first year in 4-H and this year I am raising a steer and two lambs for the San Diego County Fair. My black baldy steer’s name is Rogain. He will be approximately 1,250 pounds at the San Diego County Fair. I have a Hampshire lamb named Boss who will be approximately 135 pounds. I also have a Crossbred lamb named Spot because he had a spot on his back when he was born. I was there whe... Full story

  • Come to the fair and see my livestock

    Updated Jun 23, 2006

    Hi, my name is Walter Philley. I am 10 years old and this is my first year in 4-H. Next year I will be in fifth grade at Zion Lutheran School. This year I’m raising two lambs and a piggy. My lambs’ names are Puffy and Squidward. My piggy’s name is Bubbles. I have raised Puffy since he was born and I have won showmanship with him twice. Since I won my class I got to move up to intermediate showmanship class, where I placed fourth, so I’ve worked really hard to learn to show my animals this year. I showed Bubbles at the You...

  • Four tips for the Class of 2006

    Updated Jun 23, 2006

    Congratulations to the class of 2006. These are really challenging times, and they’re also exciting times. In her latest book, The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous & Broke (Riverhead Books), financial expert Suze Orman discusses the challenges that today’s college graduates face and offers five tips for members of the graduating class of 2006 as they enter the workforce: Tip number 1: Know your FICO score. That three-digit number determines the interest rate that you will pay on credit cards, car loans, and home mor... Full story

  • It takes a community to make Potter Jr. High successful

    Updated Jun 23, 2006

    As we finish our school year here at Potter, I would like to acknowledge all of the parents and community members who have helped to make Potter Jr. High School’s school year so successful. We certainly wouldn’t have been able to have the many programs without the numerous volunteers who supported us this year. My thanks to Lila Macdonald, our PTA president, who did such a fabulous job. We look forward to having you here with us next year. Many thanks to the rest of our PTA for giving many hours to Potter, and a special tha... Full story

  • Rauh's personal attack epitomizes the problem

    Updated Jun 23, 2006

    Col. Rauh’s negative and angry personal attack on me epitomizes the problem with political discourse in America. Mr. Rauh called the effort of Veterans for Peace to honor our fallen troops “insolent”. These memorials are serious and respectful. They’re quite different than the pro-war or anti-war speeches given at other Memorial Day events. He implied that only those who support the war are entitled to an opinion or can honor those who have sacrificed. VFP does have a political agenda. The point I made in my letter is that... Full story

  • Fallbrook AAUW celebrates 60 years

    Updated Jun 23, 2006

    It was fitting that the Fallbrook branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) celebrate their 60th anniversary at the Fallbrook Historical Society, a building full of volumes of local historical documents, including the local AAUW chapter archives. On Saturday, June 17, members enjoyed a catered lunch from the Lace Apron with a finale of cake and champagne. The event was also a fundraiser for the Historical Society’s barn. “Any contributions garnered will be matched by AAUW,” said Sherry Ludwig, Fallb... Full story

  • Groundbreaking held for Maie Ellis, Fallbrook Street media centers

    Updated Jun 23, 2006

    A groundbreaking ceremony was held for the new media centers for Fallbrook Street and Maie Ellis schools on June 14.... Full story

  • VFW ceremony retires flags with honor

    Updated Jun 23, 2006

    The flag-burning ceremony was held June 14 at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1924...

  • First Christian Church minister retires

    Updated Jun 23, 2006

    A retirement/farewell celebration will take place at the First Christian Church of Fallbrook on Sunday, June 25, at 3 p.m. in honor of Minister Tom Myers and his wife Sharon. Tom will retire after 50 years in ministry and Sharon after 30-plus years of teaching in Christian and public schools. Friends who would like to share their memories of Tom and/or Sharon will be given an opportunity to do so during the afternoon program. Anyone who is unable to attend but who would care to send greetings may do so by mailing them,...

  • New VFW Auxiliary officers announced

    Updated Jun 23, 2006

    Members of the Fallbrook VFW Post 1924 Ladies Auxiliary are proud to announce their officers for 2006-2007. Outgoing President Bonnie Johnson, who was Auxiliary President for six years, gave the oath to Secretary Phyllis Bush, President Patricia Harrison, Senior Vice President Anne Richter, Guard Marlene Matthiessen, Trustee Marie Bartz and Hospital Chairman Mertis Donath. The public is welcome to attend the VFW’s dinners every Friday night at 6:00. Call (760) 728-8784 for each week’s menu....

  • Flores donates to Pop Warner

    Updated Jun 23, 2006

    Fallbrook orthodontist Dr. Daniel A. Flores recently presented a $500 donation to the Fallbrook Pop Warner Little Scholars Organization. To accept the donation, Pop Warner football players Trevor Krok, Kiral Lepard and Shane Fisher and cheerleader Addie Brassard met Dr. Flores outside his office. Pop Warner Little Scholars is the largest youth football, cheer and dance program in the United States with youth aged 5 to 16 participating. The mission of Pop Warner Little Scholars is to enable children to benefit from...

  • Historical Society elects officers

    Updated Jun 23, 2006

    Fallbrook Historical Society has elected new officers for the 2006-07 year. They are President Jack Story, Vice President Lee Shaeffer, Treasurer Judy Gillespie, Recording Secretary Sandra Baxter and Corresponding Secretary Jane McKee. The new board is making final preparations for the Society’s annual Old Timers’ Picnic this Sunday, June 25, at the museum, 260 Rocky Crest. No reservations are necessary and attendees don’t have to be longtime residents or Society member to attend — all are simply asked to bring a favorit...

  • Theta Delta welcomes new members and grants awards

    Updated Jun 23, 2006

    The Theta Delta chapter of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International recently welcomed four new initiates into their organization and also recognized award winners. The new members are Nancy Taylor of Mary Fay Pendleton Elementary School, Danni Fieri of La Paloma Elementary School, Marilyn McGregor of La Paloma Elementary School and Marcia Wylie of Fallbrook Street Elementary School. Several awards were granted, including recognizing Betty Hall as the Outstanding Chapter Member for the year. Hall has been actively involved... Full story

  • Amateur Radio Club Field Day June 24-25

    Updated Jun 23, 2006

    FALLBROOK — The Fallbrook Amateur Radio Club will be participating in Field Day 2006, an emergency preparedness exercise, June 24-25. The public and ham radio operators are invited to visit the site at Frazier Elementary School’s athletic field, 1835 Gum Tree Lane. Maps and Latest information can be found at Talk in frequencies 146.175+ 107.2 and 445.600- 107.2. Setup begins Saturday, June 24, at 7 a.m. On-air operations begin at 11 a.m. Sunday, June 25, at 11 a.m. on-air operations end and tea...


    Updated Jun 23, 2006

    6/4 100 blk Ash St Commercial burglary 6/6 3600 blk Katie Leandre Petty theft 6/10 1000 blk Rainbow Crest Rd Residential burglary 6/11 800 blk E Mission Vandalism 6/11 4100 blk S Mission Property arson 6/12 3300 blk Olive Hill Rd Residential burglary 6/12 N Old Hwy 395 & Mission Arrest: driving while license suspended 6/13 7400 blk Rainbow Heights Rd Grand theft 6/13 1800 blk Green Briar Circle Stolen vehicle 6/13 1300 blk Ram Ln Stolen vehicle 6/13 1300 blk Ram Ln Vehicle burglary 6/13 1300 blk Ram Ln Grand theft property...

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