Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Articles from the September 30, 2010 edition

Sorted by date  Results 26 - 50 of 79

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  • Residents invited to sign scroll for new library

    Updated Sep 30, 2010

    FALLBROOK - On October 1 from 5 to 7 p.m., a scroll signing event will be held in the parking lot in front of the site of the new Fallbrook Library. In anticipation of the opening of the new library, residents are invited to add their name to a scroll that will be placed inside a time capsule and sealed during the dedication of the new library early next year. The time capsule will ultimately be buried somewhere on the library grounds. Marlo Miller, president of the Friends of the Fallbrook, says “everyone can be part of t... Full story

  • Horn to host workshop in Fallbrook tomorrow to update public on General Plan for community

    Updated Sep 30, 2010

    County Supervisor Bill Horn will host a workshop in Fallbrook tomorrow to help homeowners learn what is in store for their property in the unincorporated portions of the county under the proposals for the General Plan Update. The workshop will take place Fri., Oct. 1 from 2 to 4 p.m. at Fallbrook Public Utility District, 990 E. Mission Road. Representatives from the Department of Planning and Land Use will be present with maps and the latest information on the GPU. Supervisor Horn said he will share his concerns about the... Full story

  • Caltrans gets an earful about SR76 alternatives

    Updated Sep 30, 2010

    If any residents favor the ‘Existing (Northern) Alignment’ proposed by Caltrans for the final (eastern) portion of the State Route 76 expansion project that runs from South Mission Road to Interstate 15, they either weren’t at the public meeting held by the agency Sept. 23 at the Bonsall Community Center or their voices were in the distinct minority. An estimated 200 locals turned out to speak and, in some cases, argue with Caltrans representatives over the two alter...

  • Wounded Marines have new opportunity in Fallbrook

    Updated Sep 30, 2010

    For Marines who have suffered traumatic injuries in battle, the time during which they are being evaluated for return to active duty or disability separation from the service can be excruciatingly long. While the Marine may be shuttled to and from multiple appointments, there is a lot of idle time each week. To help combat the mental stress and exhaustion that comes from merely waiting, a new non-profit organization, Wounded Warrior Farms, is taking a hands-on approach that wi...

  • Old-fashioned fun abounds

    Updated Sep 30, 2010

    See Image.... Full story

  • Cats and kittens up for adoption Oct. 2

    Updated Sep 30, 2010

    FALLBROOK – Fallbrook Fertilizer will be hosting a pet adoption on Sat., Oct. 2 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., sponsoring the non-profit Fallbrook Animal Sanctuary. Kittens galore, cats and dogs will be available. The location is 215 W. Fallbrook St. For more information, call the Sanctuary at (760) 685-3533 or visit

  • Republican Women start membership drive

    Updated Sep 30, 2010

    FALLBROOK – The Fallbrook Republican Women Federated (FRWF) club’s membership drive will begin on Oct. 8 with a tea. If anyone is interested in learning about the different programs FRWF is involved, this is an event that should not be missed. Guests will hear the latest political issues and information on Republican candidates running for office in the election on Nov. 2. The tea will start at 11:30 a.m. and will be held at San Luis Rey Downs Golf Resort, 31474 Golf Course Drive, Bonsall, Calif. All attendees are a... Full story

  • Tri-tip barbecue available before football game

    Updated Sep 30, 2010

    FALLBROOK – The Fallbrook High School FFA’s next Tri-Tip barbecue dinner is this Friday, Oct. 1, before the home football game. Dinner will be served from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at the Ag department, which is located at the east end of the football field. Each meal includes tri-tip, beans, salad, dinner roll and a drink. This is a fund-raiser for FFA leadership development activities. For more information, call the Ag department at (760) 723-6300 ext. 2509. Other home football games this year are on Oct. 15 (Homecoming) and N... Full story

  • Fallbrook Encore Club relocates

    Updated Sep 30, 2010

    FALLBROOK – The next regular meeting of the Encore Club, on Oct. 5, will be at 10 a.m. at its new location, the Bender Room of the United Methodist Church, 1844 Winterhaven, at Green Canyon. This new venue offers a comfortable meeting room and plenty of parking. The program will feature speakers from CalTrans and the 76 Action Committee on the topic of the Route 76 improvements and alignment, including the section from Mission Road east to Interstate 15. Encore Club is a social club offering friendship and a variety of...

  • Top state Democratic leader to address Fallbrook club

    Updated Sep 30, 2010

    FALLBROOK – Alexandra Rooker, the first vice chair of the California Democratic Party, will speak at the Fallbrook Democratic Club meeting on Oct. 7. Rooker has a strong history in labor issues, green energy promotion and Latino issues. She will address the upcoming November election at the meeting and conduct a question and answer session afterwards. The Fallbrook Democratic Club meets at the Fallbrook Public Utilities District at 7 p.m. The public is cordially invited to attend the meeting. For further information,...

  • Fall Festival of Gems coming Oct. 3

    Updated Sep 30, 2010

    FALLBROOK – The Fallbrook Gem and Mineral Society will be having its annual Fall Festival of Gems on Sun., Oct. 3, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. This is a street fair with about 20 vendors selling jewelry, minerals, fossils and related items. There will also be a Wheel of Fortune, raffle, silent auctions all day, and geode cracking. The museum and gift shop will be open that day; free parking and admission.... Full story

  • VFW announces art exhibition

    Updated Sep 30, 2010

    FALLBROOK – Fallbrook VFW Post 1924, 1175 Old Stage Road, invites the public to the opening reception of its gallery exhibition on Sat., Oct. 2, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Featured will be the paintings and prints of aviation artist Brian Bateman. Bateman, a Fallbrook resident, has his paintings exhibited in the National Museum of the Air Force and the San Diego Air and Space Museum. Admission is free, snacks and a no host bar will be provided. Please RSVP to (760) 728-8784....

  • For same amount of FPUD water, my bill increased 32 percent in two years

    Updated Sep 30, 2010

    I own a large lot with 1.75 acres fenced in and on which I have a small grove. I am required to pay FPUD’s “Large Domestic Lot” water rate. The latest water rates by FPUD are extreme. My water consumption for July 2010 was 82 units at a cost of $364.36. This was an increase of $64.34 over the previous month due to FPUD’s latest, huge water rate increase. Going back two years to July 2008, before FPUD’s extreme rate increases occurred, my water bill amounted to $276.60 for the same 82 units of water. Therefore, my water bil...

  • 'Thank you' to volunteers of Keep Fallbrook Clean & Green

    Updated Sep 30, 2010

    Two purposes of Keep Fallbrook Clean & Green are to encourage recycling and waste reduction and to minimize litter and illegal dumping. Residents of our community came out and in full force on Sept. 25 at our annual clean up event to support in fulfilling this commitment. Special thanks go to our “steadfast duo” Roy Costello and George Archibald who went out, once again, and removed illegally dumped items from the ravines and roadways of Fallbrook. This is no easy task! With the help of a couple of Marines, they were abl... Full story

  • No on Prop. 27

    Updated Sep 30, 2010

    In the 2006 and 2008 elections, no incumbent in the California legislature lost. This is not an anomaly, but instead is the expected result, given that the legislature defines district boundaries to protect those holding office. My own Assembly District 66 stretches from Mira Loma to Pine Valley, a distance of 140 miles. This is not a district designed for governance or representation of the constituents, but one intended to maintain political party control of that district. In 2008, Proposition 11 was passed, taking...

  • Re: 'An unsupported claim drives the analysis of SR76 East DEIR' [Letter, Village News, 9/23/10]

    Updated Sep 30, 2010

    Hainey is to be thanked for recognizing the Southern Route Alternative as “Vessels Ranch” rather than “Undeveloped Land” as has all but two other writers of the orchestrated letter to the editor campaign from the 76 Action group. This ranch has been fully developed by the current owner and the previous owner for almost 150 years. Hainey mentioned that only “60 acres” would be utilized by the Southern Extension. Unfortunately those 60 acres are just about through the middle of the ranch. These horses are all race horses, bot...

  • Caltrans information on SR76 project is smoke and mirrors

    Updated Sep 30, 2010

    I attended the Caltrans presentation on the East SR76 widening project last week in Bonsall. One thing that has bothered me is the difficulty and cost to widen the highway to six lanes in the future. Let’s face it; we could use six lanes now, not ten to twenty years in the future as forecast. Anyone that has dealt with the gridlock of the existing four lanes through Oceanside knows this simple fact. At the meeting I asked Caltrans project director, Mark Phelan if they have done a cost comparison of widening the two a...

  • No on Prop 21

    Updated Sep 30, 2010

    I have a very narrow view of Prop 21. My wife and I are both in our eighties. Prudent or not, we have a van, a sedan, and two motorcycles. I really do not wish to pay $72 a year to support a facility (state parks) when I believe we have used the service once in the last 35 years. Vehicle registration is already excessive in California and additional fees are not needed. Gregg Wright...

  • Here come we, like Philistines with giant machines

    Updated Sep 30, 2010

    For 17 years, I’ve been looking down from my little house atop my little mountain at that beautiful river below, San Luis Rey de Francia, named after the opulent Sun King of France. It should have been named after the Real King; it took Him unknown millennia to create this little river that runs from the headwaters of Mount Palomar’s Frey Creek down to Oceanside. Only 55 miles long, and nearly dry most of the year, it is nevertheless the longest and greatest in San Diego County. Nothing humans have ever built, including the...

  • SR76 DEIR – express your opinion

    Updated Sep 30, 2010

    People should be aware that even though Caltrans has held their public meeting required by the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) process for the East Section of Hwy SR76, they still have until Nov. 2 to submit comments. I encourage all those that have not yet done so, to review the DEIR which outlines the two proposed alignment alternatives, those being the Existing Alignment and the Southern Alignment. The final selection of which route will have an everlasting impact on the communities of Fallbrook and Bonsall so it...

  • Re: 'First gateway sign installed in Fallbrook' [Village News, 9/16/2010]

    Updated Sep 30, 2010

    Is it just me, or does almost $50,000 for the “gateway sign” seem outrageous? Considering there was an existing wall to begin with, it sure does. The story doesn’t give a clear picture of how much money it really cost (or for that matter, how it was spent) – all it says is that there is “a limited amount of funds remaining” for more of these signs to be put up around Fallbrook. Don’t get me wrong, the sign is very well done and is a nice addition marking the “entrance” to our village, but I just question the am...

  • Les Miserables is outstanding

    Updated Sep 30, 2010

    They have done it again. The stage production of Les Miserables, by the Fallbrook Players, is outstanding. Year after year, there are exceptional shows at the Mission Theater and other venues in Fallbrook. But every so often, we see something that has star-quality individual performances along with an overall cast and crew that make you think everyone on stage is a professional. The current production of Les Mis is one of these. From beginning to end, this performance was top notch. The acting was superior, and the vocals...

  • Looking for a few good men and women

    Updated Sep 30, 2010

    “Service Above Self” is the motto of Rotary International, the world’s largest community service organization. Our area is privileged to have three active Rotary Clubs, including The Rotary Club of Bonsall. Bonsall Rotarians raise thousands of dollars every year for local charities and causes. All of the money (100 percent) is returned to the Fallbrook/Bonsall community. Although it is the smallest local Rotary club, its per capita contributions to the community rival most clubs in the entire district. If you are an activ...

  • Enjoying the wild, wild west at Stage Coach Sunday

    Updated Sep 30, 2010

    See Image Gallery.... Full story

  • Revolutionary 'Zumba' exercise program to be demonstrated at Oct. 2 Fitness Challenge

    Updated Sep 30, 2010

    FALLBROOK – One of the exciting offerings at the upcoming Fitness Challenge, sponsored by Fallbrook Healthcare District at Live Oak Park on Sat., Oct. 2, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., will be the demonstration of the Zumba exercise program by local instructor Shawn Luchenta. “[Zumba] is so much fun that you forget you are exercising; and that’s the whole idea!” explained Luchenta. Zumba, what many call a “revolution” in the fitness industry combines music and dance moves to...

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