Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma


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  • 9th Circuit judge writes of gun control's racist origins

    Julie Reeder, Publisher|Updated Aug 20, 2020

    A three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals threw out California’s ban on high-capacity ammunition magazines, Friday, Aug. 14, saying the law violates the U.S. Constitution’s protection of the right to bear firearms. There is a story from The Associated Press in The Village News outlining this decision The court found that magazines are... Full story

  • Paying for Schools

    Assemblymember Marie Waldron, Special to Valley News|Updated Aug 20, 2020

    Schools are essential, and the need to educate our children is not negotiable. The 2020-2021 budget package maintained school funding based on 2019-2020 attendance levels, which essentially placed a funding cap on all schools, even those experiencing high levels of growth. Before enactment of this year’s education trailer bill, Senate Bill 98, school districts were “held harmless” over declining year-to-year enrollment. If the district lost students, it would still be funde... Full story

  • Kudos for Sonny's Muffler

    Ruth Noyes|Updated Aug 20, 2020

    Hello Fallbrook!! Recently I had work done on my truck at Sonny's Muffler. I enjoyed a conversation and education from a man named Matt. I have to say this right out loud. Matt was honest, transparent, educated, inclusive and DID everything he said he would do. None of this business of 'there were hidden costs' talk like from people who don't know their job. My experience at Sonny's Muffler was perfect. If only all businesses followed their lead. Just sending out kudos where they are earned. Ruth Noyes... Full story

  • Letter to the Editor

    Cindy Freeland|Updated Aug 20, 2020

    Dear Editor, The insane speak I hear from the Left says this president has lied. I ask, about what? He is building the wall. Even with the House against him. He has finagled a way to get it going to keep illegals out while still allowing legal immigration. As a country we have always welcomed the world to our shores. We just ask you don’t sneak across the borders at night and the next day apply for support, like free medical, food stamps, Social Security and all of the other benefits reserved and paid for by hard working A... Full story

  • Welcome to budget season

    Supervisor Jim Desmond, 5th District|Updated Aug 20, 2020

    For many years, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors has been criticized for not spending its reserves. When I ran for election in 2018, I stressed that we must continue to be fiscally responsible, maintaining healthy reserves in case of an emergency. The coronavirus pandemic qualifies as an emergency and has certainly been difficult on everyone, but also is a prime example of why the county needs strong fiscal reserves. San Diego County released their budget for fiscal... Full story

  • Re: Letter to the Editor, Aug. 3, 2020

    Pixie Anders|Updated Aug 20, 2020

    Dear Editor, While every little thing on the internet might not be true, it just seems odd someone from Canada needs to remind Americans of the great job this president is doing. First of all, can you imagine any other person in the world who can manage the **** and trash being slung at him by the media, the Dems and even some folks in his own party, yet, still “The Donald” gets a day’s work done? He works 20 hours a day so I hear. Meanwhile Pelosi, Schumer and their mob don’t discourage riots, burning of buildings, tearing... Full story

  • Re: 'Kicking It at a dude ranch' [Village News, Letter, 8/06/20]

    Elizabeth Youngman-Westphal|Updated Aug 13, 2020

    Dear Ms. Jones, We are so blessed to live in Fallbrook where The Village News publisher, Julie Reeder, understands the First Amendment. Reeder allows me to use my column inches as I see fit even while I ramble on about simple things. As a publisher, she allows freedom of opinion. Before the coronavirus pandemic, my opinions were directed toward San Diego theater. As the arts reporter, I generally reviewed over 50 theatrical productions each year, up until this year. Let me... Full story

  • Treat mental illness as the physical issue it is

    Assemblymember Marie Waldron, AD 75 R|Updated Aug 13, 2020

    A major side effect of the Coronavirus pandemic is the immense impact on California’s mental health and substance use. Over 22,000 overdoses and suicides are projected to result from forced isolation and rising unemployment. Parity means substance abuse and mental illness need to be treated equally as physical health; 90% of those with substance use disorders, and almost 60% of mentally ill adults go untreated. California’s 21-year old Mental Health Parity Act increased acc... Full story

  • Re: 'Open our schools' [Village News, Letter, 7/30/2020]

    John H. Terrell|Updated Aug 13, 2020

    San Diego County supervisor Jim Desmond made a sales pitch for sending children back to school, based, he said, on science and data. He cited a study conducted in Iceland, where not one child passed the virus to their parents. It’s what he didn’t say that’s a problem. The data said that relative to COVID-19, the U.S. and Iceland are in no way comparable. Iceland flattened its curve, instituted extensive testing and most importantly conducted rigorous contact tracing. Countries with a very high positive rate are unlik... Full story

  • Look past the "bombshell" headlines and clickbait

    Julie Reeder, Publisher|Updated Aug 13, 2020

    I watch a lot of Congressional and Senate Hearings as well as press conferences. That way I can get my information firsthand, without bias, as we do with our local city and county meetings. Having said that, I sat in horror as I watched the Congressional hearing with Attorney General Bill Barr July 28. I have never seen such an orchestrated effort to shut someone down and bully them for hours. It was truly sad and disgusting. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not unusual for con... Full story

  • Obamacare and Nationalized Health Care

    Mike Reardon|Updated Aug 13, 2020

    Joseph Schembri had a letter published in the Village News, July 30. He was primarily discussing “Obamacare.” He made a number of statements that I believe were incorrect and ill-conceived. He said that some say the Republicans have nothing to replace “Obamacare” with. He said they do have a plan, it is capitalism. Capitalism is an economic system, not a plan. A real health care plan will have specifics about medical insurance, the role of government, how preexisting conditions will be treated, how employer-based health... Full story

  • Compare JFK and Reagan

    Jerry Maurer, Fallbrook resident|Updated Aug 13, 2020

    Presidents J.F. Kennedy, a Democrat, and Ronald Reagan, a Republican: I agree with them. They knew the Constitution was and is a great document. They believed in free trade, capitalism and the support of our great ally, Israel. Each believed only U.S. citizens should be allowed to vote in U.S. elections and of course, “one man, one vote.” To make it happen, each knew identity checks at the polls would be necessary but in no way wanted to prevent any American from voting, and of course, none were. Neither felt hom...

  • Students should head back-to-school

    Supervisor Jim Desmond, 5th District|Updated Aug 13, 2020

    Over the last four months there have been many unknowns regarding COVID-19, but as time has progressed, people have learned a lot too. They’ve learned that those with underlying health conditions are more susceptible to the virus. They’ve learned that children are rarely affected by the virus, and they’ve learned how to better treat the virus. They need to thoughtfully apply what they’ve learned how to prevent the spread, how to treat, who are more and who are less vulnera... Full story

  • Re: Open Our Schools [Village News, letter, 7/30/20]

    Updated Aug 13, 2020

    I think this article was uninformed, unintelligent and irresponsible. I've been reading the news for many weeks about children affected by the virus, and now the article about the children at a Georgia YMCA camp. Out of 364 staffers and attendees tested, 260 had the virus and had acquired it in a matter of days. I had been accepting of Jim Desmond being my county supervisor, but now I will consider Jim Desmond just another stupid Trump lackey. How about a retraction? Len Berkstresser Fallbrook resident... Full story

  • Look past the 'bombshell' headlines and click bait to see the real story

    Updated Aug 11, 2020

    I watch a lot of Congressional and Senate Hearings as well as press conferences. That way I have more of an informed opinion without any bias. Having said that, I sat in horror as I watched the Congressional hearing with Attorney General Bill Barr on July 28. I have never seen such an orchestrated effort to shut someone down and bully them for 4 hours. It was truly sad and disgusting. Don't get me wrong, it's not unusual for congressional members to interrupt and be rude, but...

  • Poll: 62% of Americans say they have political views they're afraid to share

    Emily Ekins, The Cato Institute|Updated Aug 7, 2020

    A new Cato national survey released July 22, finds that self‐​censorship is on the rise in the United States. Nearly two-thirds-62%-of Americans say the political climate these days prevents them from saying things they believe because others might find them offensive. The share of Americans who self‐​censor has risen several points since 2017 when 58% of Americans agreed with this statement. These fears cross partisan lines. Majorities of Democrats (52%), indepen... Full story

  • Jobless claims highlight problems

    Assemblymember Marie Waldron, AD 75 R|Updated Aug 6, 2020

    The coronavirus pandemic has thrown millions out of work and created massive problems at California’s Employment Development Department, the agency empowered to provide unemployment insurance to laid-off workers. Between March and May, EDD experienced a 3,400% increase in claims compared to January/February. From March 8 to July 18, EDD processed 8.7 million claims, including 6.8 million standard unemployment insurance claims and 1.4 million pandemic unemployment assistance c... Full story

  • A letter to Ms. Reeder

    Bill McKim|Updated Aug 6, 2020

    I am writing to complain about the news media coverage of COVID-19 and the effect that it is having on our government and on our lives. It is the coverage I’m complaining about not the disease, if COVID-19 is in fact a disease. Not that I’m a fan of, or in favor of, COVID-19 whatever it is, but the fact is that there has not been shown to be any proof that it is a disease. In fact, nothing has been shown but the fact that an unusually large number of people are dying, and that a majority of them are in their 80s and 90s. Tha... Full story

  • We have to learn to live with COVID-19

    Supervisor Jim Desmond, 5th District|Updated Aug 6, 2020

    When it comes to any decisions at the San Diego County Board of Supervisors, I weigh the different outcomes. Whether it’s deciding on an upcoming vote, or reopening businesses during a pandemic, it is my job as a policymaker to make sure that we are balancing the public health side and the economic side. There will always be risks with life. For the past 30 years, I’ve been an airline pilot. Every flight, people have taken the risks boarding the plane. I make calculations bas... Full story

  • Re: 'Kicking It at a dude ranch' [Village News, 7/23/20]

    Joanne Deltra Jones|Updated Aug 6, 2020

    I saw the title of the article and the beautiful photo of Elizabeth Youngman-Westphal and her horse and was immediately drawn to it. As a horse owner I love to read about locals going on trips with their horses or to visit horse ranches. To say that I was surprised and saddened by the article is an understatement. What gives Mrs. Youngman-Westphal the right to declare that “real people” do not live in California? Has she taken a look around during this time of crisis to see how many Californians are trying their best to kee... Full story

  • Pet Peeves: Value your pets

    Cindy Langlois, Marketing Representative|Updated Jul 30, 2020

    Here we are, already celebrated July Fourth, with some fireworks, some summer fun and a couple of family and friends fun meals: some in person and some from a distance or even virtual. In any case, I sure hope that you and all of your clan had a chance to enjoy. One of my favorite times of the year is usually summertime, when I can dry my hair outside, making it feel softer than usual. I enjoy washing the dog outside and getting covered with dog hair when the dog shakes some of the water off his body with an extra wiggle at... Full story

  • We, the people, elected Hillary R. Clinton as president

    Becky LaRocca|Updated Jul 30, 2020

    We, the people, elected Hillary R. Clinton as president of the United States of America Nov. 8, 2016, by 2,868,686 votes. I continue to have hope for our country and the world because we, the people, knew better in 2016. The addition of the national news to our local paper started in 2019 with the hopes of the publisher to get President Donald Trump reelected. It’s convenient to have your own weekly. At least own your position instead of hiding by the pretense of being something different. One just needs to read the l... Full story

  • Will the real fascist please stand up?

    Julie Reeder, Publisher|Updated Jul 30, 2020

    This week I listened to an interview on Public Broadcasting Service with Jason Stanley, a professor of philosophy at Yale and author of the book “How Fascism Works.” He defined fascism as an ideology based on power, loyalty and “fear of the other” where the other is defined ethnically, or by nationality or religion, and the leader represents “us.” His position was that we are in danger of fascism by President Donald Trump. It was his assertion that the entire reason Depa... Full story

  • Governor violated both federal and state Constitutions

    Pam Moss|Updated Jul 30, 2020

    California’s governor suspended the rights of property owners to receive rents for the use of their property, a violation of the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution and a violation of the state of California Constitution – property rights. This action took place in February. Many tenants discontinued paying their rent even if they could afford it given that it was announced by the governor that they didn’t have to pay. The governor also took it upon himself to suspend unlawful detainers and foreclosures until 90 days after... Full story

  • Open our schools

    Supervisor Jim Desmond, Fifth District|Updated Jul 30, 2020

    We must get our kids back in school. I know for some that can be a frightening statement, but throughout this pandemic, I’ve made my decisions and opinions based on science and data. Over the last month, I’ve had conversations with doctors, data experts and researchers about COVID-19 and one of the most consistent messages has been, we need our young people back in the classroom. While there are still many questions regarding COVID-19, we do know that young people rarely suf... Full story

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