Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma
Sorted by date Results 1813 - 1837 of 6898
I have been a resident of Rancho Monserate Country Club for over 15 years. In that time, I have felt safe in my home and safe driving around Rancho Monserate in my golf cart. If a sports park is made at the end of Dulin Road, safety will be compromised. We who live in the park are over 55 years old and cross Dulin Road many times in a day. I would ask that a sports park is not built next to Rancho Monserate. Theodora Coenen... Full story
Our world has certainly changed this past week, and as I write this I understand much more could change by the time you read it. I did want to give you an update on what San Diego County is doing regarding the coronavirus. All public or private gatherings over 250 people are prohibited in San Diego County, through the month of March. Gatherings of less than 250 people are strongly encouraged to keep a social distance of 6 feet from one another in conformance with California... Full story
It would be very easy to panic right now. Schools and businesses are closing down. People are staying home from work. Things that felt certain just a week ago are now completely unmoored. Daily life has been drastically upended in a way we have not seen in our lifetimes. Even 9/11, which represented an immense paradigm shift in our worldview, did not have the potential for so much direct disruption to everyone. I’m 22 years old, and my only memory of that historic event is seeing something scary on my grandparents’ giant Tos... Full story
SACRAMENTO – State Sen. Brian Jones, R-Santee, announced Feb. 28 that he is co-writing legislation to repeal Assembly Bill 5, the law enacted last year that will arbitrarily force hundreds of thousands of independent contractors to instead become formal employees of a business. “AB 5 is a blatant power-grab by Democrat politicians and some labor bosses‚” Jones said. “Hard-working Californians face the loss of their businesses and livelihoods. Gov. Newsom never should have signed such a poorly thought-out measure, and it’s... Full story
Rancho Monserate Country Club is located off Old Hwy 395 and Dulin Road. This mobile home park is for individuals aged 55 and over and has approximately 232 residences. It was part of the 2017 Lilac Fire, where 157 homes were destroyed at a cost of $8.9 million and 47 horses were killed due to no escape route. Fast forward: Ocean Breeze community plans to build 396 single family residences and 18 estate horse ranches to go along with 200 existing Bonsall single family residences and the 232 Monserate Mobile Home Park... Full story
5th District I’m not great with all of the new and ever-changing technology and I’m still getting used to Twitter, but at the county we are technologically advanced. San Diego County has a host of apps to help residents report problems, alert people to emergencies and various other resources. The “Tell us Now” app is a way for residents to report nonemergency problems including road repair, graffiti, abandoned vehicles and other issues. The “SD Emergency” app has extensive i... Full story
Jim Madaffer Special to Village News After securing more than $350 million for water supply projects in the San Diego region – along with other benefits – the San Diego County Water Authority’s board of directors Feb. 27 voted to dismiss related claims against its Los Angeles-based supplier, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. This is a major step toward resolving the litigation, in which we claimed water rights and challenged water rates and charges imposed by MWD on the Water Authority and the regio... Full story
As a new Fallbrook resident, I attended the recent Fallbrook Community Forum. I was impressed with the openness, friendliness, dedication and commitment of the participants. The experience led me to join the Fallbrook Chamber of Commerce. I wish my enthusiasm extended to the proposal for our community to detach from the San Diego County Water Authority. The report involved whining about “process issues” that commonly consume public agencies. Observing the crowd, the presumption is that the affirmative case for the pro... Full story
AD-75 (R) This week California observes Arbor Day, created in 1872 by the Nebraska State Board of Agriculture. Celebrating trees is a wonderful thing. California’s observance coincides with the birthday of botanist Luther Burbank. My Assembly Concurrent Resolution 157 recognizes March 7, 2020, as California Arbor Day, and urges Californians to observe the day with appropriate tree-planting programs and activities. Tree People, California ReLeaf, and the California Urban F... Full story
Another poll with its usual sprinkling of bad judgment and residual bad taste. The San Diego Democratic party polls, with support from the building and trades, with their “No” recommendation, caused the failure of Measure A. The people in North County, where the exploitation of rural acreage is basically centered, were hard over for A passage. Since the Democratic party said, “Too many loopholes,” be assured that next time it will have narrowed exceptions. The party erred. But voters of all persuasions did drive a stake t... Full story
SACRAMENTO – State Sen. Brian Jones, R-Santee, announced Feb. 27 that he is co-writing two bipartisan measures with Assemblymember Jim Patterson, R-Fresno, aimed at assisting the victims of human trafficking. Human trafficking is defined by the United States Department of Homeland Security as: “the use of force, fraud or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act.” The victims are often children and frequently are runaways or missing youth. All-too-often, these vulnerable young people, whose average age i... Full story
As the post commander of the Fallbrook Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1924, I would like to say thank you to the Village News for printing a great article about burger night at the Fallbrook VFW. We have had two burger nights since the article ran, and they have been busy. We average 35 burgers or so and have been up over 45 burgers for the last two burger nights. Several of those that came in said they read the article and heard about the burgers and wanted to see for themselves. They all said they would be back and bring... Full story
A few weeks ago, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors passed a comprehensive board policy to address homelessness in the unincorporated area of the county. My office has received numerous questions from Fallbrook residents and the surrounding areas. There seems to be some misinformation, and I want to provide you with an update. The immediate concerns addressed in the board letter focus on the areas in East County such as Spring Valley and Lakeside where the population... Full story
Dear Editor, We thank you for the article about Rancho Monserate Country Club and our concerns regarding Rio Prado Park. We have been working with the county since March 2019 and have had five meetings with them, one with our lawyer present. I personally have written to the San Diego Board of Supervisors. The last time was two weeks ago to all of them, and we have not heard one word from them. We feel, as tax paying, voting constituents that we deserve a response to our concerns. We do not oppose the park. We don’t want b... Full story
The Democrats deserve a proto-Communist like Bernie Sanders as their likely presidential candidate. For decades the Democrat Party has flirted with and has had a sick fetish with socialist and Marxist regimes as they backpedaled during the Cold War against the then USSR and their Iron Curtain, and Soviet modeled countries littered throughout Latin America, Asia and Africa. During the Depression, former President Franklin D. Roosevelt sent his so called “brain trust” to the USSR and to fascist Italy and Nazi Germany to bri... Full story
The last Tuesday in February is World Spay Day, an international effort originally started by the Doris Day Animal League in 1995. To mark the day, I joined some legislative colleagues on the Capitol lawn, with representatives from animal rescue groups and shelters throughout California, including Dr. Gary Weitzman of the San Diego Humane Society, to help increase public awareness about the importance of spaying and neutering our pets. Last year, the San Diego Humane Society p... Full story
One of the hardest, but most rewarding parts about being a San Diego County Supervisor is being able to help out many groups in our community. Through the Neighborhood Reinvestment Program, we are able to fund nonprofit organizations who provide essential services to citizens of San Diego County. Reinvesting taxpayer money in worthwhile organizations is a benefit to the citizens and communities of North County. Although there are many wonderful programs in our region, we... Full story
AD-75 (R) Our personal data is valuable, needing secure protection in this digital age. In 2018, Gov. Jerry Brown signed California’s Consumer Protection Act, the toughest, most far-reaching data protection law ever passed in the United States. Though the law was passed in 2018, its provisions became effective Jan. 1. The CCPA grants Californians the right to request that businesses not disclose any personal information collected about them, the categories and sources of t... Full story
Prop 13 was and remains a 1978 landmark amendment to the CA constitution protecting property owners from excessively rising tax increases. One would think that the name of such a landmark initiative would not be recycled in order to avoid confusion. What exactly is this March 3 “phony” Prop 13? This statewide proposition is a $15 billion school construction bond which allows schools to raise their debt limit from 1.2 to 2%. Prop 13 is a money grab. In addition, the March 3 Prop 13, should not be confused with the Schools and... Full story
SACRAMENTO – State Senator Brian Jones (R-Santee) announced Feb. 13 that he has introduced Senate Bill 1003, a measure to extend the immunity from liability that local governments receive when operating skate parks. Skate parks are a reserved area (often in a community park) that is set aside and built for use by skateboarders and extreme sport riders who use all-wheeled, non motorized bicycles, scooters and wheelchairs. Locally operated skate parks offer a place for skateboarders and sport riders to enjoy their sport and h... Full story
Let's not get ahead of ourselves here, the Newland Sierra development that is proposed for the Northwest side of 15 and Deer Springs Rd, is not a feel good, kumbaya development to help the future generations to come. Newland Sierra will make the developers many millions of dollars while putting at risk the residents that have been living in that area for decades. Take for example the residents of Hidden Meadows; during the last two evacuations, it took some residents over an hour to get down the mountain, using Mountain... Full story
We’ve all heard it; there’s a shortage of housing in San Diego County. Every day, families spend hours in their car, stuck in traffic as they make their way to and from work. Many of these folks are not living in San Diego County. It’s a sad day when you realize your children, many of whom are college graduates, can’t afford to buy a starter home in this county. While there is a shortage of housing, there is no shortage of government regulations. Young families, our veteran... Full story
I am neither advocating for or against Measure A, but I would like clarity on the issue. In Mark Jackson’s letter to the editor criticizing Kim Murphy’s analysis of Measure A, he is only partially correct in that the ballot itself does not contain all of the language referenced by Ms. Murphy, specifically the issues of permanently prohibiting density transfers and the designation of new specific plan areas. If Mr. Jackson would read the full content of Measure A as presented on Page 30 of the sample ballot and voter inf... Full story
The upcoming March 3 election can be challenging at times when we have a lot of choices, and each side’s rhetoric fails to tell the entire truth, especially on Measures A and B. I just wanted to provide what was given to me as a reference for Prop 13. I have heard the term bait and switch for this particular proposition. It seems this has a flavor of increased taxes for everyone and not an intention to save Prop 13 as is. In the voter guide, it states that Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association is against this Prop 13. The p... Full story
District Five San Diego County, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization and state and local jurisdictions across the nation are closely monitoring the Coronavirus. It was first detected in December 2019, in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, and continues to expand globally. A number of countries, including the United States, are actively screening incoming travelers from Wuhan. Measures are in place to prevent infection and spread to...