Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma
Sorted by date Results 431 - 455 of 6898
By Carol Cassis The Epoch Times Some local officials filed a legal brief to the U.S. Supreme Court last week seeking guidance on dealing with homeless encampments, which they say have become out of control. The California State Association of Counties and the League of California Cities told justices in the brief, filed Sept. 19, that federal court rulings over the last five years have made addressing health and safety concerns surrounding homeless encampments “unworkable.” Some cities have enacted ordinances over the yea... Full story
Besides the joy of spending time with the grandkids, additionally, I get a special reward every time they burst through the front door. You see, from where I sit on the far sofa, I get to enjoy a perfectly framed picture of one branch of our blooming Jacaranda tree in the front yard. Speaking of wondrous views, we have another one from the kitchen window. Throughout the day from sunup to sunset, we watch Oriole families chow down the nectar in the onetime hummingbird feeder. N... Full story
Assemblymember Marie Waldron 75th District The Legislature adjourned Sept. 14. We will reconvene for the second half of the 2023 – 2024 session Jan. 3. Several of my bills received final legislative approval last week. These include AB 1233, to help reduce opioid-related deaths in tribal communities by mandating assistance to tribal governments applying for naloxone and other opioid antagonist medications. AB 829 will allow courts to order persons on probation for animal abuse to undergo mental health evaluations and counseli... Full story
The importance of the next presidential election cannot be overstated. It should be a referendum on the abysmal economy and the societal upheaval that Biden and his Democrat cronies have served up for us. By every metric, Joe and his court jesters at the DNC have failed to meet their rudimentary obligations to the American people. So, who will lead us out of this quagmire: Cornel West, Pence, Nikki Haley, Newsom, or none of the above? RFK Jr. would undoubtedly make a far better choice for President than the grifter-in-chief.... Full story
I’m old enough to remember a time when people with opposing political views could have a spirited discussion about the candidates they were supporting. Although minds were seldom changed by the end of the discussion, the parties, more often than not, remained on friendly terms. That no longer seems to be the case in our current emotionally charged political environment. Thinking back to the Stevenson-Eisenhower (1952/1956) and Kennedy-Nixon (1960) presidential contests, I don’t recall anything approaching the level of vit... Full story
Supervisor Jim Desmond 5th District As you may be aware, San Diego ranks among the top cities in the nation for human trafficking. This is a harrowing issue that affects far too many lives in our community, and it is our responsibility to do everything in our power to stop it. In our ongoing commitment to combat this pressing problem, we have recently introduced legislation to educate our students about the signs to look for when approached by potential traffickers. We believe that education is a vital tool in preventing... Full story
We’ve been graced with the great announcement from Linda Wilson “Hello Village News Readers, I’m back” after taking a mental health break. I now understand a little better of why the left is so delusional and hateful. They suffer from the indoctrination of their fake news and mental illness caused by the left’s lies. So as compassionate humans, we need to save them from themselves with real news reporting which is what the Village News does. I feel sorry for your husband if you are letting the people you hate so much affe... Full story
The issues surrounding minors, transgender, gender-fluid, non-binary, etc don’t seem to be going away. This life-changing, family-changing cultural phenomena is complex and controversial. Teenage gender transitions and the impact on families and individuals involved can be permanent and sometimes fatal. For that reason, we have to discuss it continuously, especially as all these issues work their way through the courts, and so far, our Governor and our AG seem to be on the w... Full story
Julie asked the rhetorical question: "Will America continue with liberty and justice for all, one nation under God?" The short answer is you can't continue something that doesn't already exist. Liberty and justice for all is our ideal, but we are too far off the mark today. Cases of racism are regularly in the news. A two-tier system of justice prevails. Wealthy people can afford to spend millions on expert lawyers to defend, delay, and buy their way out of jail time. The poor may spend days in jail, just waiting for their... Full story
After I retired from UCSD, I moved to Fallbrook, both to get away from the city noise of San Diego and to build new friendships for my “later years.” Both of those have happened: I have made wonderful friends through AAUW and the Fallbrook Quilt Guild, and I no longer hear the traffic noises of the city; but alas, those noises have been replaced by the dulcet tones of 13 dogs, from the four properties that surround mine. I am a veteran and was an Army nurse in Vietnam. I remember the first time I was under enemy fire. I rolle... Full story
Julie Reeder Publisher As I have reflected this week on 9/11; I remembered the horror of covering news that day. The terror on people’s faces in New York running from the twin towers as they escaped and the buildings fell. People covered in gray dust, and the horror of watching people choose to jump to their death, rather than burn in the building. I don’t know if we’ve really witnessed anything like that since, to the degree of involving so many people and losing nearly 3,000 innocent lives. I also remember the deep honor... Full story
Steven Schindler Special to the Village News Whether or not you believe climate change is an immediate danger, a distant danger, somewhat of a danger, or a hoax, there are certain climate change realities that can’t be denied. One of them is something called “carbon credits” or “carbon offsets.” Carbon credits and carbon offsets are two ways in which big corporations and very rich people justify using too much carbon, i.e. polluting, burning fossil fuels, and using too much jet fuel in private jets or using massive amounts of... Full story
Many years ago, I read a book called, "Boundaries with Kids" by Drs. Cloud and Townsend. Healthy boundaries were the talk of the town it seemed in the early 21st century. The reason this came back to mind is because Area 1 has a Special Election with mail-in only ballots by Sept.19. Sadly, one candidate is accusing the other's supporters of being extremist and wanting to "ban" books. Those being falsely misunderstood feel they just want parents' individual boundaries of what their kids can be exposed to when they aren't... Full story
I sent the following list of questions re: AB 1325 to Assemblymember Waldron this morning. My reason is to point out that there are many unanswered questions that the citizens of this state are not getting answers to regarding legislation being passed in Sacramento. Also, with a very few exceptions, the media itself is not fully questioning and reporting all information included or not included in all bills. Some bills are not even reported on in a timely manner, so citizens are not even aware of them until after they pass.... Full story
So, did anyone get the idea our local communists got together on a conference call to “get” Julie Reeder? Can you imagine what an evil enemy of Fallbrook, and the world in general, she was to allow our local Marxists to have eight letters in her paper for them to criticize and abuse her? What a monster! Hey, thanks comrades, for the wake up call. Does it take a lot of training to lie that much and actually believe you’re saving the “party?” Who turned over that rock? Have a nice day, J. Schembri... Full story
For quite some time, I have noted a basic flaw in the current state of our justice system. This flaw has become painfully obvious lately with what I view as the malicious “prosecutions” of former president Donald Trump as well as virtually anyone associated with him, including his attorneys. (When has this ever happened before?) It appears that anyone within “social distance” of Trump is being targeted by our “justice” system as well as various state AGs trying to curry favor with the Deep State players whose highest pri... Full story
It was disappointing to look through the Aug. 31 issue of Village News and find no response to John H. Terrell's letter, which was published in the Aug. 24 issue under the headline “Let's rename Pro-Life.” It seems that Mr. Terrell is ignorant of Hope Clinic for Women in Fallbrook at 125 East Hawthorne Street. This clinic offers not only support for pregnancy but also support for the infant and parents for the first two years of the infant's life after birth. Comprehensive education is offered for parents in what to exp... Full story
How sophomoric and hypocritical of you to make backwards name-calling associations of an ethnic man you probably have never taken the time to get to truly know. If this is the maturity level and sense of logic for the supposed diverse, equitable, and inclusive values of Tauna Rodarte's supporters, it is cause for concern in their ability to discern who would be a good leader and example especially for our children. Since Lief Hansen is a bi-racial Latino businessman and an EMT/Firefighter in an already very increasingly... Full story
I would like to take this opportunity to correct some misinformation published previously about Tauna Rodarte, candidate in the special election for the Fallbrook High School board of trustees in Area 1 and give her background and real reasons for running. She has no agenda of her own, just loves the friendly village and hopes to be able to continue improving our community as a Trustee for the High School. She is asking for your vote this Sept. 19 in the By Mail Only Ballot election. Tauna and her disabled Marine Corps... Full story
Assemblymember Marie Waldron 75th District Last week I was joined by several tribal chairpersons, including Chairman Robert Smith of the Pala Band of Mission Indians, and Chairman Bo Mazzetti of the Rincon Band of Luiseño Indians when I spoke in support of ACR 17, which formally proclaims Sept. 22 Native American Day in California. On that day, tribal members from throughout the state and legislators from both parties will meet on the south steps of the Capitol to celebrate tribal history, culture and sovereignty.... Full story
Supervisor Jim Desmond 5th District I've just taken action by sending a letter addressed to President Biden and the Federal Government, urging them to reinstate DNA testing at the border. This is a crucial step in addressing the rampant issue of human trafficking that plagues our border communities. We cannot turn a blind eye to the fact that innocent children are being exploited and traded as commodities. It's high time we prioritize their safety and well-being because, unequivocally, children are not for sale! Below is the...
How sophomoric and hypocritical of you to make backwards name-calling associations of an ethnic man you probably have never taken the time to get to truly know. If this is the maturity level and sense of logic for the supposed diverse, equitable, and inclusive values of Tauna Rodarte's supporters, it is cause for concern in their ability to discern who would be a good leader and example especially for our children. Since Lief Hansen is a bi-racial Latino businessman and an EMT/Firefighter in an already very increasingly... Full story
Thank you, Gretchen Martin, for calling out the ugly rhetoric that has often made the pages of the Village News. All are entitled to opinions, but the cowardly bashing of low-hanging fruit and easy targets of the LGBTQ+ community has become a cottage industry for the political right, including some letters and opinion columns appearing in this paper. What has happened to "love they neighbor as thyself" also known as "live and let live"? Exactly who does it harm if my neighbor loves or is married to someone of the same sex?... Full story
According to letter writer Genevieve Mitchel, "MAGA" Republicans are not standing up for our democracy and freedom to vote. In reality, they are revolted by the avalanche of contrived charges against President Trump. Evidently, she misses the blatant hypocrisy of that statement, since Democrats are using an onslaught of Federal and State court indictments to knock out their opposition's current frontrunner. That can and will work both ways; Republicans are through with this double-standard, which means Democrat candidates... Full story
In response to Captain H. Firth II’ letter, first, I wonder why he needs to mention his rank in? Does that mean you are use to having people snap to when you speak? So does that mean Bill and Hillary, who have killed unbelievable numbers of people in Arkansas, Ruby Ridge, Waco, DC and a recent hanging, aren’t above the law? Or deleting evidence and smashing computers? Or Hunter and Joe and their “family business” that sold what? Or Obama and his doctored “birth certificate.” Now serving his third term that required Tr... Full story