Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Fun abounds at FHS

Ladies and gentlemen, we high schoolers are getting ready to have our first dance of the year! Get your “morP” outfits ready; the dance is this Saturday! So buy your tickets and come on down and have a good time!

Another Club Rush has successfully come and gone this year, with clubs such as the Key Club, the Surf Club, the French Club and many more! Throughout the duration of the year, I will be writing about the different clubs students have the opportunity to get involved in. In my photos, Jessica Linton and Jessica Randall posed for a quick picture while recruiting new members at Club Rush.

Last Thursday, Fallbrook FFA held its annual “Barnyard Olympics,” which was attended by around 100 FFA members who participated in exciting events such as egg tossing, three-person skiing and hay bucking! It was a fun event that turned out great and everyone had a good time!

This is a bye week for our football teams (no games), but next week we’ll be back to the normal schedule.

Maybe you have heard about the new addition to our campus this year. In order to keep the campus safe and uphold the rules from our student handbook there have been security cameras installed that cover 95 percent of Fallbrook High School. These cameras have been very useful to our school’s administration to help take the little steps that make a big difference on our campus. The administration is “cracking down” on little things such as littering to start making our school look even better than it does right now!

Our track team can be seen “flying” around the school track just about daily after school is over, and man, are they fast! Good job, you guys!

That is about all for this week, so keep up that Warrior spirit, and until next week… Go Warriors!


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