Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma
After reading the letters by Debby Bodkin and Joe Howard Crews opposing Proposition 75, it’s hard to believe they have read the proposition. Mr. Crews feels the loss of self-governance and the threat of fascism are possible, if not likely, outcomes if Proposition 75 passes. If he had read the proposition he would realize those are the very injustices it is crafted to eliminate. The loss of freedom he is worried about is not new; it is being perpetuated by the unions in which he places so much confidence. It is a well-known fact that union leaders spend members’ dues on liberal political agendas that are unrelated to employee’s rights — without a vote of the membership!
Debby Bodkin expressed concern that we would see a decline in the quality of education in California. Her sentiment is difficult to comprehend when the quality of education in California has been in rapid decline even as the unions have increased in power and influence. While California once had one of the best school systems in the nation, in just the last four years the ranking of California schools among our 50 states has fallen from 29th to 46th. At the same time, while average per-pupil spending for the nation in 1999/2000 was $6,911, California spent an additional $1,000 per student and paid an average teacher salary that was the second highest in the nation. In any case, her fears are unfounded, as Proposition 75 will do nothing to limit the power of unions except in those cases where it is reliant on members’ dues for things the members themselves object to.
Proposition 75 is an opportunity to return choice to the individual. Employees should be able to choose whether they want their contributions used to advance the liberal agenda of union leadership. Since not every public employee is a political liberal, it is reasonable to assume that those who are not would not otherwise choose to support these liberal causes. Union dues are no less than a type of extortion when they are used to support the liberal causes that undermine the values their conservative members hold dear.
In a brief stint as a union member last year I was stunned by the fact that I had no choice about how my dues would be spent. When I was told it was a requirement of the job to join the union, I sought a way to prevent the use of my wages for the political agendas supported by the union — agendas I believe are detrimental to our national wellbeing. I was told a tiny fraction could be set aside if I wrote a request including evidence of being a member of a church that had a specific moral objection. It would then be reviewed and possibly approved. I would have to re-submit a request each year and I would lose most of my member benefits even though my contribution amount would be unchanged.
I learned from that experience that union members currently have no choice but to pay dues to support the political agenda of union management whether they agree with it or not. Under Proposition 75 each member will have the freedom to choose. Where are the intimidation and oppression, Ms. Bodkin and Mr. Crews?
Vote yes on Prop 75 and return the power to the people who earn the monies that fund union activities.
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