Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma
Supervisor Bill Horn has been a steady, consistent supporter of Fallbrook (and its numerous volunteer groups) and the Fallbrook Community Planning Group (FCPG), and that’s why I am supporting him in this election.
With my 14 years on the FCPG, I have had the opportunity to personally see how much Bill Horn has done for this community. He has supported us in many ways, some obvious and public, and some not so well known.
Mr. Horn has found ways to finance many of our more important community projects including the Historical District on North Main Street and the road improvements there, the Fallbrook Revitalization Plan, the Sports Park and the road improvements required for it, the South Mission Road improvements and various road and intersection improvements, including the additional turning lane at Fallbrook and Main Streets.
Mr. Horn has started and financed (for some $6 million) the San Luis Rey River Park project, which provides important mitigation relief for the vitally-needed SR 76 road improvements and which is the only real contribution the county can make to promote a State Highway project.
Mr. Horn was helpful in saving Live Oak Park. When the county considered closing it for budgetary reasons, he arranged for the park to be partially operated by local community groups instead of by the county alone.
Mr. Horn also provided some $700,000 from his discretionary funds to help the Fallbrook Library in its efforts to obtain state money for a new library.
And, he placed Fallbrook at the top of the county’s Community Planning Areas to get the county’s Transportation Impact Fee (TIF) for major road improvements, which could amount to some $150 million for local road improvements in Fallbrook.
Mr. Horn and his staff have always been very helpful to the Planning Group in our “wrestling” with the county staff (at the Department of Planning and Land Use and at the Department of Public Works) in favorably resolving conflicts about various staff policies and developers’ proposals.
Most importantly, Bill Horn has used his position to its fullest in privately and publicly supporting the Planning Group’s efforts to down-zone (NOT up-zone) development on the “old Hewlitt Packard property” at I-15 and SR76 to a combined maximum of 1,400 dwelling units and one million square feet of industrial space (down from 2.5 million feet).
Bill Horn has earned our support for 12 years, so please join me in re-electing him as OUR County Supervisor.
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