Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Life Coach - Wisdom from the Proverbs

“A man’s pride will bring him low, but the humble in spirit will retain honor.”

-Proverbs 29:23

We have all heard the saying that “Pride goes before a fall.” Similarly here in this proverb we are reminded that pride will bring us low.

We are given a choice to take on humility or suffer the consequences. Like a tree branch, if we bend we may not break.

When we are ‘full of our self’ acting arrogantly, we often find out too quickly that our self-inflated view is revealed to have little substance. Ugh, how that hurts! That lesson will serve to humble us speedily!

In some situations a humble spirit may lead us to not insist on having our own way. By acting in thoughtfulness toward others we honor them by giving them what they want, rather than what we preferred. This is not to be confused with compromise on issues of integrity. We may stand without compromise on an issue of integrity, truth, or honor, but do it in humility. Humility can be a great strength in persuading others on an issue of importance.

Retention of honor is the reward for a humble spirit. Synonyms for honor are respect and admiration. Being admired and respected generally does not come quickly, but comes over time by being tested and found to live consistently with a humble spirit.

Action: Let us seek to act humbly and retain honor.


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