Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

SR76 Eastern Section – issues that continue

In a publicly available response from Laurie Berman of Caltrans to Ms. Bimla Reinhart, executive director of California Transportation Commission, made April 8, 2011, Berman stated: “In comparison to the No-Build alternative, both the Existing and Southern Alignment Alternatives will relieve congestion, decrease delays and enhance operations, resulting in reduced fuel consumption and GHG emissions, particularly CO2.”

This statement is grossly disingenuous with respect to fuel consumption and GHG emissions. Caltrans’ own DEIR Table 4.7-1 shows that by the year 2030, the Existing

Alignment Alternative would save 710 gallons of fuel per day and discharge 10 tons less CO2 pollution per day compared to the No-Build Alternative. However, the Southern Alignment Alternative would save 36,520 gallons of fuel per day and discharge 300 tons less CO2 pollution.

Ms. Berman’s letter implies that neither the Commission members nor the rest of us in the general public is capable of appreciating the difference between 36,520 gallons or 710 gallons of fuel saved per day and consequently dumping 290 tons less CO2 green house gases into the environment per day on a five-mile stretch of the new road.

In my opinion, Ms. Berman’s statement is an insult to the intelligence of the California Transportation Commission’s personnel and to us, the general taxpaying public.

Frank Sulak


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