Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

The sky is falling

Do you remember the story of Chicken Little and his claim, “The sky is falling,” when it really wasn’t? That’s not unlike the many claims we have had over the years from people who have predicted the end of the world. Like Chicken Little, they go around telling nice people that the end of the world is on such and such date, only to have all the air let out of their balloon when it doesn’t come to pass.

What really saddens me is that there are people who actually believe these present day Chicken Littles, and put their trust and hopes in them.

I have heard accounts of people selling their homes, quitting their jobs, and giving it all to spreading the end-of-the-world message.

This message confuses many people but it really doesn’t need to. Jesus was clear about the end of this present world, which is really his second coming, when he said, “No one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows.” (Matthew 24:36)

It’s safe to say that if the angels and the Son don’t even know, chances are some guy telling you that he has mathematically calculated the exact date and time of the end of the world and the coming of Jesus doesn’t have a clue.

We need to make sure that when we listen to people that we prove what they say in light of what the Scriptures tell us. It comes down to what God says to us not what people say. His word is the authority for our lives.

We also need to make sure that when Jesus does return that we are ready. The best way to be ready for the return of Jesus is to have your heart fully committed and right with him. We do that by confessing that we are sinners and surrendering our life to him.

The second way to be ready is by doing the work of Jesus. Serving in his house and caring for his people. God loves people and he wants us to show his love by caring for them. The greatest way to show God’s love for someone isn’t by leading them away from God’s word like the Chicken Littles do, but leading them to God’s healing word for their lives.

Jesus is coming back one day. We don’t know when, but we must stand ready and excited knowing that one day we will be with him. Trust only in what He says and not what man says.


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