Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Virginia is Benghazi all over again

This is an open letter to the Republican Party and their request of the constituency asking for a personal story about the unfolding of the Affordable Care Act.

My story regarding Obamacare is very pathetic and is going to become gangrenously fatal to the Republican Party if we continue to lose elections like Virginia.

Reince Priebus has botched the leadership of the Republican National Committee to the point it is ironically suspected he and Obama are in collusion with each other, and a Marxist third government. This note, in part, gives an opinion of the effects of the unraveling of the ACA and the attendant results

It is unfathomable how Priebus could have ignored the monumental victory he gave our opponents by not saving Cuccinelli. Priebus might as well consider Virginia, his Benghazi, there are too many willing to testify to the lack of priorities to save Cuccinelli, Virginia, and ultimately, the nation. In contrast, to the ultimate consequences of Priebus’s lack of leadership and the looming outcome, he has become responsible for a tremendous loss of freedom and loss of life, much more than Benghazi.

The Benghazi, Obama, Clinton debacle; where we lost four brave men, while devastating will be small in comparison. Virginia was a key state just like every state in this election is going to be a difficult state to win and Priebus could not muster the support to protect our nation, he is not fit for the office of the RNC Chairmanship.

Pray for us.

Jerry Donahue


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