FHS swim instructor Sarah Draves, right, uses toys to get Nathan Geis comfortable in the pool at a Fallbrook High swim lesson on June 26.
Annika Boddaert learns swimming techniques by kicking while hanging on to the side of the pool during a Fallbrook High swim lesson on June 26.
Taylor Guerrettaz jumps in the pool during a Fallbrook High School swim lesson session on June 26.
Swim instructor Mike Maryn, left, encourages Chance Conover to take a leap off the diving board during a Fallbrook High School swim lesson.
Karley Busby takes a breath of air while learning to swim during a Fallbrook High swim lesson on June 26.
Isabella Toliver learns to dive during swim lessons at Fallbrook High on June 26.
Swim instructor Sam McDaniels, left, teaches Anthony Fanelli the basics of swimming at the Fallbrook High School pool.
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