Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Fallbrook Firesafe Council needs volunteers

FALLBROOK – According to Fallbrook Firesafe Council (FFSC) facilitator Dorothy Roth, in this part of San Diego County, it is fire – in particular wildfire – that presents the largest ongoing risk to lives and property. Still, by most measures, the greater Fallbrook area has been very lucky this past year when it comes to major fires, she said.

Those residents who have lived here for a while know that this luck is unlikely to last. In each of the past fire events, numerous homes were lost, evacuations of families/ neighborhoods occurred and many, many lives were affected. The threat of wildfire is always here, but being prepared is the best defense.

So, while it’s great to be lucky, it is much, much better if everyone is as fully prepared as possible to practice fire wise actions, both before and during the next, inevitable wildfire event.

Some would say such risks come with living in SoCal. There is not much an individual can do to affect that risk – right? Wrong.

Residents can contribute to making measurable reductions of these risks faced by themselves, their families and their neighbors.

The FFSC, founded by local citizens after the disastrous 2002 De Luz/Gavilan fire is seeking new members who want to learn and contribute to furthering fire safety in Fallbrook, Bonsall, Rainbow and De Luz.

Through community outreach, directed weed abatement projects, distribution of wildfire prevention/action strategies information communitywide, evacuation mapping and like programs conducted in concert with the North County Fire Protection District volunteers are making a real difference in successfully beating the odds stacked against them.

The FFSC believes that everyone must become knowledgeable and more fully prepared before fire strikes. If residents do, each of them – their families, property and their very lives will then better survive the next wildfire.

Volunteers can help take the lead in the type of effort described above. Their actions could possibly save a life and will surely reduce potential property losses.

For more information or to volunteer as a FFSC member now, contact Dorothy Roth at (760) 728-1100 or Charles Vega at (760) 258-6196.


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