Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Re: With rate increases pending, FPUD focuses on other matters [Village News, 10/26/17]

This is just plain outright robbery/stealing, whatever you want to call it, from everyone in Fallbrook. These proposed rate hikes will cause a domino effect to the entire town; people will stop spending, eating out and buying in general.

Fallbrook has a large population of young working families, seniors and military families on fixed incomes and new people who have retired here. With that said, this will also affect every business in Fallbrook, from restaurants, beauty shops, small mom and pop stores who are already paying high rents to make a living for their families, just to name a few.

In the past, you ask everyone to cut back on their water usage, which we all did. My front and back yard are all dirt, there is nothing to water outside. We take our clothes to the laundry and use their water, so there is limited water use in the house except for flushing the toilet, showers and wash a few dishes. Still, the bill is large.

I have friends who two years ago saw the handwriting on the wall, sold their house and moved to Temecula. With that new house in Temecula, that has a front/backyard, and three people in the house, their average water bill is $79 a month. My bill with no outside watering and limited water use inside is $97.92 of which $5.80 is water and the rest is all fees!

There has to be something FPUD doesn’t want the people to know about how they manage their funds. Is this money they hope to collect going to go to retirement accounts of employees/board members? Or will they continue to give huge raises like the one they gave Jack Bebee who makes $220,150? If they have this money, why do they need to raise rates, knowing how hard this is on people.

Now you would think there would be no raises, then to print it in the Village News, that just rubs more salt in that open wound you have caused; how do you think this makes all of us feel? Just how are people to pay these rate increases on a fixed income? Do you want to see an exodus of people leaving Fallbrook?

If this passes "Robin Hood and his merry men" will only get fatter at our expense and all of us will suffer.

The McCain family

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