Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Encore Club treasures new and old members

FALLBROOK – This month, Fallbrook Encore Club members welcomed an unusually large group of ladies at a luncheon held in their honor. They were "Flying Up" from Newcomers Club to join Encore Club, a sister organization.

The luncheon was held at the Fallbrook Woman's Club historic property. The event proved to be an animated and happy mix of those newly "flying up" or graduating to Encore Club and those who have enjoyed Encore Club for many years.

The warmth and charm of the old home where the luncheon was held just added to the occasion. Both clubs are strictly social and enjoy many similar activities and a few combined activities. Those new to the communities of Fallbrook, Bonsall, DeLuz and Rainbow usually start out at Newcomers Club, moving on to Encore Club after three or four years.

Encore Club also welcomes other new members from those communities at any time, all year-round.

The club normally meets the first Tuesday of each month except during the July and August summer break. Meetings are held at the Masonic Center, 203 Rocky Crest Road, in Fallbrook.

The next meeting will be June 4, with social time starting a half-hour earlier than usual this time, at 9 a.m. Coffee, treats and conversation will be followed at 9:30 a.m. by the installation of officers in the incoming board. The rest of the morning will be a lively auction of nearly new items donated by members. Items donated should be there by 8:30-9 a.m.

The traditional end of year party, a "Summer Soiree," will be held June 8, at the private home and gardens of a member, with lots of fun together before beginning the summer break. Most activities will be "dark" for the summer and resume in September.

The few monthly activities that will be continuing in the summer mainly include some of the game groups. The new "GO" activity will also continue as members step up to suggest and run a one-time activity of their choosing.

The GO activities vary a lot and can be local or out of town, weekdays or weekends, day or evening, men and women. Currently planned will be a trip to Tom's Farms in Corona, June 25. Another is planned to the University of California San Diego campus for a walking tour of the outdoor art displays and another will go to Catalina Island in September. The May GO activity found many members traveling to San Juan Capistrano to tour the historic old mission and gardens.

Those interested in membership may contact the membership co-chairs, Bea Valverde at [email protected] or Bobbi Bixby at (562) 673-1250, or visit

Submitted by Fallbrook Encore Club.


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