Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Another point of view: Is global warming worth the anxiety on our young people?

There are many scientists who have a healthy, science-based skepticism regarding climate change and who don’t believe it’s responsible to create such social anxiety in our young people and that it is less about science and more about ideology. Global warming is the biggest public policy issue of our generation, and there are those who want to spend possibly hundreds of trillions of tax dollars to fight it.

How many degrees are we talking about?

Just how much global warming are we talking about? According to NASA and NOAA, the Earth’s global temperature increase since 1880 is about 2 degrees F,...


Reader Comments(2)

MartiAvila writes:

To the credit of Ms. Reeder, I share this story. Freshly moved to Fallbrook, we hired a man to help with our groves. One day his wife told us that he had been murdered. I planned to get the story in the VN but there was no mention of it. This angered me and I enquired as to how a murder in a small town could go unreported. Julie immediately investigated and placed her findings ON THE FRONT PAGE along with his funeral arrangements. Since then, I have had the highest respect for Ms. Reeder an

Jliebes writes:

Halfway through your first sentence, it was clear that you have no business talking about science. Masquerading as journalism in the ‘National’ section, your poorly reasoned opinion piece was seriously misguided. Wrong and poorly written as it was, your climate denial piece leaves out the most severe yet likely outcome of our hubris which will result in not 1 but 4 or more degrees warming. Anthropogenic climate change deniers like Julie Reeder are dangerous and worth worrying about.