Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma
In December 2019, while most of the world was unaware of the impending virus that was about to sweep across seven continents, Beijing was busy trying to expand China’s national powers in Hong Kong. For years, the Chinese Communist government has been encroaching on the rights of the Hong Kong people with the full intent of abandoning the one nation two systems treaty mutually signed in 1997.
Outraged by these authoritarian actions, hundreds of thousands of “Freedom Seeking Hong Kongers” took to the streets to resist the overreach of the Chinese government. Their dispute was over an extradition law enacted by Beijing, called the “Fugitive Offenders Amendment,” that would have eliminated an individual’s right to due process.
Today Beijing continues to challenge Hong Kong's autonomy imposing its new “Security Laws” that threaten Hong Kong’s sovereignty. Despite the crackdown by Beijing’s People’s Armed Police Force and elements of the People’s Liberation Army, the pro-democracy protesters remain undeterred amid the chaos. Protesters wave American flags barely seen above the clouds of smoke from the hundreds of tear gas canisters fired on them. Still, others carry banners reading “President Trump, please ‘Liberate Hong Kong.’”
Meanwhile, 1,810 miles northwest of Beijing in the Western Region of Xinjian, over a million Uighur Muslims are living in internment camps and are being reeducated in the doctrines of the Chinese Communist Party. Forced to abandon their traditional religion, language and customs, life for the Muslim detainees in the labor camps is harsh while they must transition to the CCP orthodoxy.
This process, the CCP calls “being reborn.” Using the Christian “reborn” reference is particularly ironic when you consider the Chinese Communist Party members are stalwart atheists. Sadly, what is happening to the Uighurs is not unique, as the subjugation and oppression of all China’s ethnic minorities is happening every day.
Treatment of their ethnic minorities is despicable, but so is their treatment of Chinese citizens who are repressed by their authoritarian government as well.
Although the Chinese Communist Party members only represent 6.4 % of the 1.393 billion Chinese population, the CCP runs every aspect of life in China, including commerce, the military and the government.
China is a top-down government-run command and control society where individual rights simply do not exist. To ensure their citizens can never protest again like the 1989 protests in Tiananmen Square, the CCP has installed more than 600 million surveillance cameras that monitor every action and every movement of the Chinese people.
China’s leader, Xi Jinping, now enjoys the leader for life title, like the Chinese emperors of the past. With the complete and unchallenged support of the Communist Party hardliners, Xi’s power is omnipotent, not unlike the Golden Age of the Han dynasty.
A fact not widely known is Xi is a student and devotee of the Third Reich. He especially admires the Nazi socialistic orthodoxy and Hitler’s control over his population. Today Xi openly boasts that China’s transformation is attributable to its unique version of communism/socialism with elements of Nazis, Maoists and Leninists mixed in. In the absence of moral judgment, Xi and the Chinese Communist Parties’ philosophy is not governed or restrained by laws or morality and is without ethical boundaries.
So, knowing these facts, it is inexplicable to me why House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Kamala Harris continue to coddle and cajole Xi and the Chinese government when they repress and abridge the civil liberties of their citizens and the ethnic minorities.
There was a time when the Democrats claimed to be human rights advocates. Indeed, that was then; for now, Harris seeks to initiate legislation that will sanction persons for using the term “Wuhan virus.” She claims the Wuhan virus is a racist term. Now that seems absurd to me when you consider the coronavirus was birthed and most likely biologically altered in a PLA lab located in Wuhan, China. I suppose we will need to rename the West Nile virus or Ebola virus lest they face the same legislative fate as the Wuhan virus.
Then there's Speaker Pelosi who spends her time boasting about her double-wide stainless-steel freezer loaded with socially conscious flavored ice cream. That is, of course, when she is not acting in her primary role as the President's most strident antagonist. Maybe in place of her relentless attacks on the President, the country and her constituents would be better served by denouncing the Chinese Government for their despicable actions?
Perhaps she could spearhead legislation punishing the Chinese government for modifying, releasing and then concealing the coronavirus pandemic from the world? Or maybe she could seek financial retribution for the monetary damages of the Chinese Government's loathsome and deceitful actions?
It strikes me as un-American when Democratic leaders are comfortable with facilitating the rise of the Chinese Empire. Especially considering the Chinese government just brought down our economy, destroyed millions of American livelihoods, and is solely responsible for the deaths of more than 100 thousand Americans.
Perhaps a word or two of condemnation from the Democratic Party might be appropriate? But then, for me, the absolute best solution for avenging Beijing's malicious wrongdoings would be to reelect President Donald J. Trump. Then we can resume our journey with a renewed determination to "Make America Great Again."
Dave Maynard
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