Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Causey given Junior Livestock Auction Scholarship

Market goat named lightweight class and 4-H reserve champion

Madison Causey was notified June 24, that she would be receiving a Junior Livestock Auction Scholarship from the San Diego County Fair, and the 2020 Fallbrook High School graduate was also notified that day that she would be one of the final four exhibitors for the market goat supreme grand champion and supreme reserve champion honors.

"It was a perfect day for a really good ending of the year for me," Causey said.

Causey, who is now 18, was 9 when she joined Fallbrook 4-H. She first showed at the San Diego County Fair in 2011 and had dairy goats that year. She began showing market goats at th...


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