Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma
Vote No on Proposition 15
Proposition 15 is the worst idea known to man – at least this year.
We are being asked to vote for an $11 billion increase in taxes on California businesses.
In the middle of a pandemic that has caused massive job losses, shuttered restaurants and stores, and squeezed businesses that are currently struggling with government-ordered shutdowns, we are being asked to burden California businesses with a new, massive tax increase.
Higher prices for consumers will undoubtedly occur if this thing passes. In addition to having the highest income and sales taxes in the nation, California could soon have the highest property taxes in the nation.
Other reasons for voting No on 15:
· It is an attack on Proposition 13 as it would revoke Proposition 13’s protection for business properties effectively raising taxes on nearly every business in California, not just once but over and over again.
· It is step one in a plan to completely destroy Proposition 13 which has protected property owners since 1978. This could lead to big increases on home property taxes.
· Proposition 15 would mean higher prices across California’s economy including higher prices for nearly everything including rent, food, gas, utilities and medicine.
· A massive tax increase on California businesses risk delaying or even preventing an economic recovery, while other states thrive
· An army of new government assessors would need to be hired and trained to go out and reassess California commercial property. The California Assessors Association has stated that it will cost $1 billion to implement Proposition 15 in the first three years. They also have taken an official position against Proposition 15 because it would be “impossible” to implement as written because of confusion over multiple owners and certain exemptions.
· Proposition 15 is being titled the “Schools and Communities First” initiative. California voters are tired of misleading titles on California ballot propositions. The majority of the $11 billion tax increase would not go to schools.
· Save what is left of the Golden State and the California Dream by voting down Proposition 15, the worst idea known to man.
Vote no on 15.
Bob Newkirk
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