Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Kicking It against aging

Growing old is a privilege. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. In the inimitable words of Zorba in “My Big Fat Greek Wedding,” “You look so old.”

I just don’t want to “look so old.” A little old is OK. After all, I don’t want to look too young. So, I ask myself, what is the right age? I for one liked the years from ages 43-50. After that, things started to really sag.

Of course, I smoked then so I was trimmer. That always made me happy. Trimmer that is. Not that I am not happy to have stopped smoking. I am. However, I still find myself drifting toward the exhales of others who haven’t kicked the habit.

There j...


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