Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma
I think I can speak for the 75 million patriotic Americans who still love our country, our heritage, and our founding fathers. We all stand proudly for our flag and our national anthem. To a person, we still believe in the rule of law and that every legal vote should count. We embrace right over wrong, God over government, and law enforcement over BLM and the ANTIFA anarchists.
And yes, we honor the men and women who serve in our military, and we revere our veterans too. We have indulged you, the Democrats, for far too long, allowing you to poison our children with anti-American and perverse t...
Reader Comments(1)
bigpixsure writes:
Please remember everything you said is your OPINION! Not true in any sense, but you keep drinking Trump Kool-aid, I understand it's very addictive. I'm sad for your very skewed perception of the majority of this country. The next 4 years will be very hard for you. Geee, I wonder why all branches will now be controlled by the parties you despise, aka liked by the majority of voters. Could it be you guys put your eggs in the wrong basket?
01/07/2021, 1:48 pm