Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Good news, family and friends of Fallbrook Drum Circle

We are secure in our new digs for our monthly gatherings on the third Sunday of each month at the Community Health & Wellness Center, 1636 E. Mission Road. Woo Hoo!

Our next gathering will be on Sunday, Aug. 21 from 2-5 p.m. and it promises to be a doozy. In addition to the excitement of our reconvening after one month off, we will also be celebrating 22 years in existence as the Fallbrook Community Drum Circle. So, we are planning on making this an extra festive occasion.

Our sincerest gratitude goes out to all those concerned community members who made a show of support for our community drum circle during the brief period of uncertainty. The outpouring of letters written and phone calls made were in the hundreds. What a testimony of community support is that, eh!

We also have Irene Miller, Theresa Geracitano and the board at the Fallbrook Regional Health District to thank for having the vision and the mind-set to value Fallbrook Community Drum Circle and in providing for its continued success in our community. Lots of love and gratitude in their direction, for sure.

We are living during challenging times, and we are at the end of a very long cycle of relating to each other as separate, individual and competitive. Now are we poised for a shift which is ushering in an ancient, yet modern, way of being, doing and having that will honor all our relations in restoring the unity of all creation. Just follow in the rhythm of the drums and we shall all find ourselves standing on the same sacred ground together.

Aho! Pilamaya Mitakuye Oyasın - Thank you, all my relations.

Daniel Ide


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