Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Re: Maynard and Lewis letters [Village News, Letters, 12/08/22]

Maynard. His attempt at character assassination on Biden reminds me of an ornate outhouse. They’re both quite something to see and they both stink! Democrats chose Biden because he gets the job done. In his first year, he signed the following bills that largely assist working class citizens:

1 American Rescue Plan, a $1.9 trillion package to bolster the U.S.’s recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.

2. Paycheck Protection Program and the COVID-19 Bankruptcy Relief Extension Act, extending the protections they provide.

3. Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which infuses $1.2 trillion dollars into Americans’ traditional “hard” infrastructure. And he’s still going strong.

Lewis. He should be familiar with gaslighting since it was developed and perfected by Republicans. Social media provides the ideal forum for misinformation and disinformation and Republicans continue to take advantage of that. Lewis provides a perfect example of how to start a gaslighting. He says of me: “He seizes on conservative Christians as evil villains…” I did not. I identified a radical far right cult that is neither Christian nor conservative. And the Christians Against Christian Nationalism action group agrees with me.

Trump said: “A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution." (Truth Social, 12/03/22). He is referring to his unsupported claim of massive voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential election. And there you have it. He is quite willing to chuck part of our Constitution. His white Christian Nationalist followers are lapping it up. What part of our Constitution are you willing to give up to assuage Trump's hurt feelings?

As of Dec. 7, 2022, more than 960 people have been charged with crimes related to the Dec. 6 insurrection, and 465 have pleaded guilty. Most charges have been for stupidity, but many for assault –138 police officers were injured. Contrary to the Republicans’ gaslighting, this was an attempted coup.

Most recently the head of Oath Keepers and a member were convicted of seditious conspiracy, getting serious jail time. And sedition is exactly what this was all about. Fortunately, in their ineptitude, the mob did not catch VP Pence, who they intended to coerce into declaring Trump the President. And there’s so much more….

John H. Terrell


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