Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Beware of Biden's border interlopers

Like swarming locusts drawn to an Iowa cornfield on a scorching midsummer's day, Biden's border interlopers come in droves unabated by our immigration laws. They seek the bountiful inducements promised to them: housing stipends, food vouchers, cell phones – all the naked enticements so cleverly packaged to seduce a cascading sea of humanity and mold them into future Democrat voters!

Since Biden's election, 8 million aliens have illegally crossed our border. Another 1.7 million have avoided detection by slipping into the country like cockroaches in the dead of night. Many come from nations hostile to the West, like Lebanon, Libya, and Syria. And yet, our border remains wide open to all comers, despite the inherent risks to Americans.

The dangers of an open border have never been more apparent. Last week, the unthinkable occurred: 20 babies were beheaded at a Kibbutz in Israel. Close by, at the Super Nova musical festival, young girls were raped and murdered. One angelic soul survived the ordeal, only to be set on fire days later.

In total, 1,500 innocent Israeli civilians were butchered by Hamas jihadis along Israel's breached border with Gaza – barbarism on a scale not seen since the atrocities committed by ISIS and Saddam Hussein. In spite of this, Biden insists on flooding the country with unvetted aliens from all corners of the world.

Our current immigration laws are clear. They call for an orderly and rigorous vetting process. They do not imply or guarantee that anyone seeking asylum will be granted asylum. Fortunately for the interlopers, Joe has removed the vetting process altogether. Unfortunately for American citizens, he is risking our lives to placate his Party's political ambitions.

Meanwhile, our government expects us to trust our intelligence agencies to protect us from terrorist attacks when they failed to defend us from the 9/11, Fort Hood, and Boston Marathon attacks. But then they are too preoccupied doing Biden's bidding, searching the Bayous and Badlands for Christians and Catholics to harass and imprison, to be troubled by Islamic extremists intent on killing Americans.

With war dominating the headlines and Iranians and Palestinians chanting death to America, doesn't it make sense to return Biden's border interlopers to Mexico until they can be adequately "vetted" and their amnesty claims are adjudicated? Do you think Biden has the chutzpah to secure our southern border before another terrorist attack occurs on American soil? Or will he wager his political fortunes against the lives of American citizens?

Final thoughts: For years, the American left has straddled the line between friend and foe with Jews. Inexplicably, many Democrats march in solidarity with Hamas. Democrat Congressional Representatives like Rashida Tlaib and Ilan Omar openly call Israel an apartheid state and insist on a two-state solution when, arguably, Jordan is a Palestinian state.

Even the hallowed halls of Harvard have succumbed to anti-Semitic fervor. In an age of intensifying antisemitism brought to us by the American left, living peacefully in a pluralistic society may be on the verge of extinction.

Dave Maynard


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