Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Surprise surprise, the government used 'Russian Disinformation' laptop as evidence

Last week, the government used the Hunter Biden laptop as evidence against him as they prosecuted him for gun crimes related to the paperwork he turned in. The irony is that there was a larger coverup with intelligence agency employees, leaders, and former associates in the attempt to interfere in the election between Biden and Trump by saying the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian Disinformation.

It later was found that the laptop was indeed genuine and had all kinds of evidence of not only Hunter’s drug use and alleged human trafficking but also his meetings in several countries, selling his father’s influence.

Because of the influence peddling, 10% of people polled said they would have voted differently if they knew the evidence outlined on the laptop was real and not “Russian disinformation” as presented. It was clearly election tampering.

Those of you who are readers of Village News and Valley News were reading our independent news coverage while the national news was just spouting what they were being told by the Biden administration.

Then there was the Covid-19 debacle, the experimental vaccines that now there are now lawsuits about and CDC warnings, etc. All of it, despite the backlash and name-calling of us and our papers, we presented the truth anyway. In the end, we were right to do so.

The entire Russian disinformation story trying to tie Trump which all ended up being a hoax, bought and paid for starting with the dossier that was paid for by the Hillary campaign and the DNC.

We reported both sides on just one or two pages a week.

Truth comes at a cost. Especially when it seems the entire world tries to make you look like a conspiracy theorist, an idiot, or irresponsible for not automatically believing everything you are told. Even when that is your job.

It did seem like the whole world, which included the government, big corporations, nonprofits, locals, our own churches, and other groups who bought into the misinformation before it was able to be vetted. It’s hard when you are bad-mouthed, just for trying to research, talk to experts, present facts and figure out who all the players are and if they benefit from the situation at all.

So, yes, the Hunter laptop is real. The New York Post wasn’t stupid or irresponsible for breaking the news and we weren’t conspiracy theorists for covering it.


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