Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

It's time we invest in our future – the children

Vote Yes on Measure V

I believe that public education is a cornerstone of civilized society, and done well, a bridge to a better future for our community. In advance of ballots arriving in our mailboxes, we want to make sure our local residents are informed about Measure V which will be a voting item for those within the Bonsall Unified School District boundaries (88 square miles from Oceanside to Pala including parts of Fallbrook, Vista, Escondido, and Valley Center in addition to all of Bonsall).

We are asking you to vote Yes on V: Repair Our Aging Schools and Ensure Student Safety

We’re proud that Bonsall Unified School District is California’s leading Purple Star School District for supporting military-connected students. Good schools improve the quality of life in our community and protect the value of our homes. We’re fortunate to have local control of our small school district, where we ensure quality education.

Unfortunately, nearly every student and teacher in our great local schools spends class time in outdated portable classrooms that are over 30 years old, have water leaks/structural damage, and don’t have modern wiring for instructional technology or adequate heating, cooling, and ventilation.

Local students need safe, modern classrooms, science labs, and instructional technology to be ready to compete in college and careers.

We must take action to improve our local schools today. Voting Yes on V provides locally controlled funding to repair and upgrade our schools so all students attend class in safe and up-to-date classrooms.

Vote Yes on V:

Provide modern labs, career technical facilities, and equipment to prepare students for college and in-demand careers in fields like health sciences, engineering, and skilled trades.

Upgrade and construct classrooms, labs, and school facilities to support high-quality instruction.

Improve student safety and campus security including fire safety and emergency communications.

Repair deteriorating roofs, plumbing, sewer, heating, ventilation, and electrical systems in older classrooms.

All Measure V funds stay in local schools:

By law, all funds remain under local control and may only support local schools. Independent citizen oversight and public disclosure of spending is required.

No funds may be taken by the state.

Even former opponents of past measures support Measure V. It’s the right plan at the right time.

Vote Yes on Measure V – Repair and improve our local schools!

During the June public Bonsall Unified School District board meeting, the above ballot language was unanimously approved by all five elected Bonsall Unified School District Trustees: Pascal Lapoirie, Trustee Area A including Arrowood in Oceanside; Michael Gaddis, Clerk, BUSD Trustee Area B including Morro Hills and the new Bonsall Oaks/Havens development; Larissa Anderson, Board President, BUSD Trustee Area C including Lilac Road and the new Ocean Breeze Ranch development; Roger Merchat, BUSD Trustee Area D including the Gird Valley and new Citro development in Fallbrook; Eric Ortega, BUSD Trustee Area E including Pala and Lake Rancho Viejo.

The official signers of the ballot include Haney Hong, President and CEO, San Diego County Taxpayers Association®️; Jen Arellano, Bonsall Teachers Association President, Vista Valley resident, parent of current Bonsall High School student; Michael Collier, a veteran, local business owner, Hialeah resident, BUSD parent; Sharon Robinson, local business owner, community volunteer, parent of former BUSD students, and Ben Lian Fallbrook Firefighters Association president and BUSD parent.

I strongly encourage this community, which I love, to support Measure V by voting Yes before Nov. 5. Talk to your neighbors, put a sign in your yard; it’s time we invest in our future – the children. Thank you for your thoughtful support.

Larissa Anderson

President, BUSD Board of Trustees


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