Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Kicking It Around the Swamp

And he was still building the wall.

What happened during the final months of 2019, no one could have imagined. What the DC Mob’s Dark-Money-Donors did to Americans makes George Orwell seem like a wanker.

To keep their dirty secrets about their underhanded recount, the Dem-Mob released the deadliest bacteria in two hundred years just to regain political power.

Oh. My. Gosh.

I just figured out why the plague called COVID-19 was developed in a Chinese laboratory. America had ratified the Geneva Protocol in 1975 banning the development of Bacterial Warfare. Which is why Obama’s Mob had to take his plague order elsewhere. It is very doubtful that China signed the 1925 or the 216B modification of the Geneva Protocol.

It was Obama’s government, using our tax dollars, and no doubt, a few bazillion shekels from his dark-money donors to get China to make the plague. (Don’t you remember the female scientist in China that outed them? Wonder what’s happened to her?)

Which begs the question, who profited? Well, that’s one way to build multiple mansions. After all, the plague came with an antigen well before Covid-19 was released. With enough vaccine for themselves, the formula could then be sold to the highest bidding pharmaceutical company at great personal profit.

The DC Mob did all of this to gain back Power.

That mystery solved, let’s get back to the story.

In the last days of his presidency, Trump rallied businesses to build more iron lungs to save Americans. In fact, he did such a good job, the surplus iron lungs went to other countries.

Furthermore, I for one, believe Mike Pence was blackmailed. He had to have been to dismiss his duty to investigate Voter Fraud. There were even videos showing it happening. But that may explain why Pence has not been investigated and charged since leaving office as most other Republicans have been.

The miss-direction was working.

With all of the who-ha miss-direction frenzy about the plague, the dirty-scandal about cheating during the false recounts was quickly swept under the rug.

In response to his VP denying him his rightful recount, President Trump looked squarely into the camera and invited Americans to visit the White House. After all, we Americans have been visiting 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue for as long as anyone could recall.

And sleepy Joe crept out of his basement and slithered into the oval office.

Meanwhile, the media continued to erroneously misrepresent the science. Backed by bogus doctor reports (who owned stock in the vaccine company with a wife on the Board of Directors) Americans were fed a line of crap by our national media spoon fed by the Mob.

But it didn’t matter. The DC Mob was back in power.

With the entire country under house arrest, maskless politicians continued to enjoy their private parties, private air travel, and life as usual. But. The rest of us were locked in our homes.

It ended up that America was stuck with the two worst candidates in history. Joe and Kamala were dropped in to fill the frontline while the Mob pulled the strings.

Believing he could buy enough votes for his next election; Joe gave money away faster than he could print it. Student loans forgiven. (That should give him lots of young voters). Free medical care for all. (That should also provide inner city votes). And lastly, let's bring in as many new voters that we can and get them registered too. Upwards of 15 million illegals have cast ballots now in the hands of the Biden Gang.

The cover-up was in place all the way up and until that fateful debate. Biden was exposed along with his backroom cronies. The jig was up. His incompetence revealed, something had to be done.

First, they sent naïve George Clooney to publicly shame him. That didn’t work. (The man has no shame after stooping so low as to marry his children’s babysitter. What could possibly phase him?) Senators and Congressmen begged him, but nothing would get Joe to abandon his post.

He dared the Mob to try and knock him off his pedestal. Because he alone had the delegates, the war chest, and enough illegal votes from the border crossers to win regardless of the Party’s demands.

Finally, after the money dried up, Joe had to swallow his own pill, after announcing if his “health” wouldn’t allow him to continue, he’d step aside.

He took the bitter Covid-19 pill to save face. Which we all recognized as a lie. Simply because he never put on a mask. No one else did either. It was a lie. We just won’t know what else Joe & Jill demanded to give up a second term. The irony is startling. Covid-19 got him into the office and Covid-19 cast him out.

Clearly, Hunter will be pardoned for all of his many sins. Joe will get a library in Delaware. No doubt his family’s fraud will be dismissed.

As the saga continues to unfold, everything is speculation until the Chicago Convention.

Will, in fact, a left-wing socialist carry the first round as she believes? Or will the Mob, who knew they could not win with Bernie, pull a shenanigan and throw her from stage?

Let me ask one question. Do you lock your front door? If you answer yes, then you can only vote for Donald Trump. He will lock our Southern border. Plus, we’ll learn who left the cocaine in the White House and, alas, who shot JFK.

NOTE: As it happens this series was turned in before I left for a 3-week trip to Italy on Aug. 14, 2024.

Much happened during my travels. For instance, I was at sea during the DNC Convention. But I did get back in time to observe K.H. pose behind her podium as she listened to her upcoming remarks through the earbuds hidden under her hair. Make no mistake, Ms. Harris was being fed answers by a team of ABC/Disney execs.

We’ve observed her for 9+ years and everything about that night was phony. She never posed in that thoughtful stance anytime in the history of her public appearances. Ever. Orchestrated like an animated film by her pal at Disney the affiliate of ABC, the Debate was merely a “show,” not an exchange between candidates. Make no mistake, like everything else about her, she is a fraud.

Elizabeth can be reached at [email protected].


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