Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

A second opinion on the Second Amendment

The first part of the Second Amendment states: “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State…” So, how does a Militia affect the security of our free state? It does so by organizing bodies of civilians to combat enemies, both foreign and domestic, on U.S. soil. An essential part of that duty is to maintain armories for the storage and maintenance of ordnance needed for combat.

At the time of the Revolutionary War, ordnance was rather limited: mainly bayonets, a supply of shot and gunpowder, and muskets for citizens who didn’t care to own one. Over time the Militia morphed into the National Guard, and our standing army grew as our nation grew.

The variety of military weaponry also increased greatly. But the principle never changed: it is an essential function of government to categorize weapons and to keep and maintain military weapons and equipment in armories when not in use. And whether they are called armories, or arsenals, or military supply depots, they are the government’s responsibility.

The second part of the Second Amendment states: “… the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.“ That means we can own guns and we can bear them, that is, carry them about. But neither that part, nor any other part of the Constitution, says anything about freedom of private citizens to determine the appropriate use of those guns or ammunition. So again, it falls to Government to make that determination.

But the Republican Party has worked relentlessly to convince us that we have the right to use any gun any way we choose. The Republican-stacked Supreme Court and some lower courts are aiding and abetting this effort. Also the Party is using its position politically, with scare tactics claiming the Democrats want to take away our guns.

The fact is, the Republican Party is in the pocket of arms manufacturers. They really want us to buy military assault weapons: but they could not care less how we use them. The assault weapon they have been recommending for personal use is the AR-15. But that is so last year.

Thanks to the Republican Party, the Army’s newest anti-personnel assault rifle is now available for sale to us, the general public. It’s produced by Sig Sauer, under the names MCX Spear and XM5. Selling point: it can pierce any known body armor.

I want to say to the Republican Party, with all due sarcasm, Thanks a lot.

John H. Terrell


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