Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

The case for Trump

On Thursday nights in 2004, millions of Americans sat back in their Lazy Boy recliners, turned on their TV sets, and tuned out the world to watch The Apprentice. For an hour, the show magically transported viewers into the corporate world, where contestants competed based on their business skills. The Apprentice, a Trump-produced Emmy-nominated show, was yet another sterling example of Donald J. Trump's marketing genius.

Back then, Americans of all complexions and political persuasions loved the guy and would have given anything to be seen with him. He was a larger-than-life character, an urban legend of sorts, a Patron Saint of prosperity, and an unapologetic capitalist who epitomizes the American Dream to this day.

In 2015, his life was turned upside down when he announced he was running for president as a Republican. You see, until that moment, Donald had been a card-carrying Democrat. Party purists viewed his departure as political heresy and vowed to take his scalp for his betrayal.

Overnight, he was banished from high society by a mob of uppity progressives from the Upper Eastside of Manhattan – a bitter ending for the lanky blue-eyed boy who grew up in Queens to become a Real Estate icon whose life's work will be forever etched on the New York City skyline.

For the next eight years, the Democrats and the legacy media dragged him and his family through muck and mud for having the audacity to challenge their monopoly on power. For all the underhanded attacks, specious accusations, and endless pejoratives hurled at him, Trump remains resolute in his quest to restore America to her former glory.

Despite the lies spun from the slithering tongues of two-legged serpents, Trump defies political gravity, brushing aside the two assassination attempts, and somehow musters the courage to navigate through a myriad of minefields meant to destroy him. Like Washington marching on Trenton toward victory, Trump remains determined to lead us out of this quagmire and into the illuminating light of liberty.

Fortunately, we don't have to guess what a Trump administration will look like; we have already lived it. His steady hand guided us through the tumultuous days of the pandemic. He unleashed our Energy Sector from the shackles of Federal regulatory burdens, igniting the greatest economic boom since World War II. American wallets were flush with cash, and we all had more money in our bank accounts. Homeownership rose like a King Tide, making the American Dream within reach of everyone.

When Trump left office, the southern border wall was only inches away from being completed. The Iranian Mullahs were not threatening Israel with nuclear proliferation. Nor were they hacking Trump's computers to pass on confidential information to Kamala's campaign. The Red Army was not marching on Kyiv, and Hamas and Hezbollah dared not to attack Israel. The world was at peace, and America was not at war for the first time in a generation.

In contrast, the Biden/Harris Administration has given us a taste of a dystopian future. Our border has been erased by executive fiat. Kamala could fix the border problem right now but insists on waiting until she is elected to tackle a problem of her own making.

As Border Czrarina, VP Harris consciously facilitated a mass migration of Biblical proportions with the express purpose of displacing Americans to make room for the next wave of Democrat voters. The thousands of Americans dying from fentanyl poisoning and the scores of women who have been raped and murdered by migrants are of little interest to Kamala and Democrats. They are just collateral damage in their grotesque scheme to retain power.

Kamala would like us to believe the economy is smoking hot, but the only thing that seems to be on fire is our wallets and our futures. Still, she insists on pushing equity over equality, diversity over meritocracy, and resorts to racist tropes every time her brain backfires, which is more often than not.

For all her flaws, and there are many, Kamala is not someone to be trifled with. She is much more than a giggling girl in a beige pantsuit who has a propensity for spouting nonsense and rambling nonsequiturs. Her career is littered with the graves of her political opponents who underestimated her. Beneath her little girl persona lies an angry woman with a Marxist pedigree, just waiting to end our representative Democracy.

Madness is engulfing America. The hordes of Mongolians are no longer at our doorstep; they have breached the castle walls. Voodoo has come to Ohio and will soon be in a town near you. Tampon dispensers in boys' bathrooms, transvestite story hour in kindergarten classes, males competing in female sports, Oy Vey, these are the things of Faustian nightmares. Such is the state of our Union, battered and bruised beyond recognition.

As we approach the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, we are teetering on the precipice of our extinction. Arguably, this is the most consequential election in more than a century. With two opposing visions for our future, we are being asked to choose between tyranny or liberty, collectivism or individualism, Marxism or capitalism. The choice seems obvious.

Given the Biden/Harris abysmal record, why would anyone want to continue with this insanity? There is only one candidate with the requisite skills to restore our economy and end this madness, and that's…Trump.

Dave Maynard


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