Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

How to make a change on the planning group

Here is why I recommend voting for Mark Mervich for the Fallbrook Planning Group. Our planning group is good at being a custodian of the standards and ideals that have made our community the great place we all love.

The current management of the group (including several people running for reelection) think they are doing a satisfactory job so no change is needed. Mark Mervich begs to differ!

Currently the management has been less than specular at moving Fallbrook forward to the community it could be. Case in point, there have been at least 12 significant residential and commercial projects in the last six years that the group has given its approval and none of them have made it to breaking ground.

The planning group says “yes, we like this project” and then sends the applicant off to do battle with the County Planning Department, the black hole where projects go to die. Mervich believes the planning group should assign one of its members to each significant project it approves to do follow up (currently nearly non-existent) and be the interface to the applicant to answer questions.

Further there should be an agenda item at each meeting to report on approved project progress. With this procedure in place we would soon clearly document how the County Planning Department is the major impediment to progress in Fallbrook.

Then we, as a community, could address the source of the stagnation and get Fallbrook moving forward to an even greater future. Please vote for Mark Mervich, Ross Pike and Tom Harrington to bring on these improvements.

Rosalie Dedo


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