Also serving the communities of De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pala and Pauma

Think of the future of your children

In the past three and a half years we have seen an overwhelming attack on families, life, liberty, freedom and most of all on our children.

There is no time to sit down but to be not only hearers of the word of God but doers. Aren’t you tired of the false accusations against the just and righteous ones defending what our Founding Fathers declared and established as the land of the free and home of the brave, “The United States of America, a Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

The differences between the two parties are so distinct that in this election, how you vote will mark where your heart is also. Don’t be deceived by the words nor the propaganda machine for we know “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Hosea 4:6. This is beyond party lines. Look at the platforms. One party is for life, law and order; the other party is for death, confusion, chaos, and lawlessness.

We do have a clear choice to make: Think of the future of your children. Take time to truly see the distinctions and how their actions and their policies have affected our nation and the lives of our children and it will get worst for our children if we don’t stand and vote according to the laws of God.

Yes, let it be clear, as Christians, your vote will demonstrate your alliance. Are you with God or against Him. There is no middle ground. For God says, “know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God.” James 4:4.

Look at our schools. Our children are not being taught. They have lowered the standards and in the last 3 1/2 years we have seen an increase of confusion in our schools. We are witnessing an increase of sexual perversion, indoctrination in our schools, to say the least, and definitely a lack of discipline, citizenship and moral values.

Shame on the school districts that have allowed this. So, why would anyone want to support the local measures BB and V, and again using our children as ponds for more tax burden on all of us. No, when our local schools are falling and have been failing our students in the basic academics, it is time for schools to do right by students and their parents for they are the future of our nation.

Schools have become a hub for indoctrination, lawlessness, perversion, and this inclusivity, diversity and equity ideology is in itself racist and absolutely wrong. We are witnessing males competing in women’s sports in high school and beyond. In the past years, we have seen an increase in cultural celebrations where schools are allowed to celebrate cultures regardless if those cultures have pagan beliefs, but they have removed God from the schools.

Why is one allowed but not the other one? The fact is that this nation was founded on the Word of God. We have a party who actually thinks they know best for your children. In our state, Governor Newson just signed AB 1955 that gives legal rights to teachers, the schools, to lie to parents about their children who have gender identity confusion. Shame on the teachers that are bowing to the union’s pressure in all accounts, just for money.

In the 40 years that I have lived in this nation, and yes, I am a U.S. Citizen, who went through the long process to become a citizen and I waited to be a legal citizen to vote in this nation. Why would anyone think it is OK for any noncitizen to cast a vote? No it is not OK. It is call trespassing and illegal. Yet, we have a Governor in California who just signed into law that is it forbidden to ask for ID at the voting places and in other states, the current administration wants noncitizens to vote, as a matter of fact the current administration is suing the state of Alabama which is trying to removing noncitizens from voter rolls.

Don’t you understand that your voice is being diminished by the current federal and state authority? Dear fellow citizens don’t be deceived, socialism doesn’t work and will never work; social justice is masquerading the agenda to fundamentally change our nation unto a place where you will not have freedom, where your children will be under state care and you will not own anything. They want us all to be under welfare in a way. So be very attentive how you vote.

We have a party, the democratic party, that has allowed an invasion of people, undocumented, unvetted, unchecked, unto our country. Not only do they have open borders but have used NGO’s to transport them around and even fly them to other states. Seems like a third world country, buying votes from people that were already oppressed. Sadly they are using them.

As Christian, we need to vote to whom is closest to defending God’s laws. Be careful not to be deceived by their deceptive new definitions. Women’s health is abortion. Illegal undocumented people should not be voting. Our children are not the property of the state, they are the responsibility of the parents. Our Nation needs border security, law and order and every voter must be a U.S. citizen and should be asked to show proof of citizenship, legal ID.

And please, this is about our children and the future of our nation. I pray you will do right by God and your children and family.

“If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. My eyes will be open and my ears attentive to every prayer made in this place.” 2 Chronicles 7:14-15

Ana Iturralde


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